- Howard, Malcolm BR 06-05 (5/24/06)
- One group (al Qaeda) originally approved, a second (or more) added via amendment in August 2006)
- Footnote 1 asserting most calls domestic to domestic (redacted thereafter)
- Probably just 2 providers (plural custodians, but short redaction)
- Includes compensation paragraph dropped with third order
- Footnote 2: 2 numbers per day
- Only 7 people authorized to sign off on RAS: Signals Intelligence Directorate Program Manager for Counterterrorism Special Projects; the Chief or Deputy Chief, Counterterrorism Advanced Analysis Division; or one of the four specially authorized Counterterrorism Advanced Analysis Shift Coordinators in the Analysis and Production Directorate of the Signals Intelligence Directorate
- Classification mark redacted
- Howard, Malcolm BR 06-08 (8/18/06)
- Begin large footnote modifying names of (now 2) organizations cleared for RAS
- 8 authorizers (plus addition of “production” to SID Program Manager), addition 5th CT Shift Coordinator
- Add language approving RAS for FISA targets
- Classification based on application; declassification of President
- 2 (4 pages and 15 pages) Orders of unknown subject (10/31/06)
- Scullin, Frederick, BR 06-12 (11/15/06)
- Compensation paragraph dropped
- Footnote 2 changed to 3 numbers a day
- Mandate review every 90 days
- Add at least 2 spot checks every 90 days
- Congressional notification regarding implementation of Section 215 authority (1/25/07)
- 43 total BR orders in 2006
- Broomfield, Robert, BR 07-04 (2/02/07)
- Add exception to FISC authorization for RAS for FISA docket 06-2081
- Internal Executive Branch email message and attached document regarding implementation of Section 215 authority (3/9/07)
- Gorton, Nathaniel, BR 07-10 (5/03/07)
- Gorton, Nathaniel, BR 07-14 (7/23/07)
- Replace docket 06-2081 exception to FISA language w/docket 07-449 [see also]
- Vinson, Roger, BR 07-16 (10/18/07)
- Howard, Malcolm, BR 08-01 (1/4/08?)
- Footnote 5 notes that “for analytical efficiency” “a copy of data” from phone dragnet data will be stored on same server as [EO 12333 and foreign collected] data
- Move spot check language to FISC l
- NSA management cancels monthly due diligence meetings (1/08)
- DOJ IG Report on Section 215, including 2 classified sections that presumably include the dragnet (though only for 2006), as well as notice of failure to meet statute’s minimization requirement (3/08)
- Kollar-Kotelly, Colleen, BR 08-04 (4/3/08)
- Approval for training new NSA analysts?
- 31 newly trained NSA analysts query BR database using 2,373 identifiers without knowing they were doing so (4/08)
- Internal memo addressed to NSD/OI officials including Matthew Olsen in anticipation of filing to FISC (6/6/08)
- Zagel, James, BR 08-07 (6/26/08)
- NSA shifts the servers the reports are retained on (no word about the records themselves) (7/29/08)
- Disabling of hyperlink allowing CIA, FBI, and NCTC to access BR metadata directly (Note, ETE report says this happened in “Summer 2008 timeframe”) (7/08)
- Distribution of Data Integrity Analysts’ defeat list changes (probably expands) in some way (8/08)
- NSA tells FISC about tool to find correlations (8/18/08)
- Zagel, James, BR 08-08 (9/19/08?)
- AG Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations (9/28/08)
- Notice of April violations (10/17/08)
- Start date for audit as part of E-2-E (11/1/08)
- 27,090 identifiers allowed to be contact chained, as subsequently reported (11/2/08)
- (12/1/08) BR 06-05 and 6 other docket orders first provided to Congressional oversight committees
- Start date for 2 analysts doing 280 queries using non-RAS identifiers (12/10/08)
- Walton, Reggie, BR 08-13 (12/11/08)
- Begin requirement of consultation w/DOJ
- Supplemental opinion assess legality under 2702/2703 (12/12/08)
- Notice on “alert” violation; 1,935 of 17,835 identifiers RAS approved (1/15/09)
- End date for 2 analysts making 280 queries for non-RAS identifiers (1/23/09)
- Notice of violation on 280 non-RAS queries (1/26/09)
- Order for more information regarding 1/15/09 notice on “alert” violation (1/28/09)
- Supplemental notice about failed attempt to kluge the automatic notice (2/3/09)
- Memo providing more info on violations (2/12/09)
- Notice of violation on query tool (2/26/09)
- Notice of domestic identifiers being queried w/o RAS review (3/4/09)
- 13 total BR orders in 2008
- Walton, Reggie, BR 09-01 (3/5/09)
- Notice that “data integrity” analysts sharing non user emails beyond BR cleared analysts (5/8/09)
- Walton, Reggie, BR 09-06 (5/29/09)
- Secondary order to provider (Verizon?) excludes foreign-to-foreign data
- Supplemental order (both dockets) on sharing outside of NSA (5/29/09)
- Notification of chaining on correlated numbers (6/15/09)
- Notification of access by CIA, FBI, NCTC (6/16/09)
- Supplemental order in both dragnets (6/22/09) [See PR/TT version]
- End-to-End report (6/25/09)
- Notification that NSA following USSID 18 instead of minimization procedures (6/26/09)
- Notification of unminimized results shared with unidentified recipient (GCHQ?) (6/29/09)
- End-to–End report shared with FISC (7/2/09)
- Walton, Reggie (?) BR 09-09 (7/8/09) [see also]
- New group approved via primary order pp. 5-7
- Order specifically mentions NSA failure to follow BR-specific minimization procedures
- Order requires briefing on legal requirements of dragnet (10)
- Order requires consultation with DOJ, including on automated queries (14)
- Requires explanation why NSA disseminated out of NSA, can’t remove credit card info (16-17)
- Order requires weekly reports
- Approval for data integrity analysts’ use of non-user specific identifiers
- 4 new roles approved to approve disseminations
- Notice of ability to obtain fourth hop contact number (8/4/09)
- Submission with E-2-E (8/19/09)
- Walton, Reggie, BR 09-13 (9/3/09)
- Order regarding new dissemination violations (9/25/09)
- Briefing materials for FISC regarding implementation of Section 215 authority (9/18/09)
- Walton, Reggie (?) BR 09-15 (10/30/09) [See also]
- Supplemental opinion on historical queries and dissemination (11/05/09)
- Briefing materials for government personnel pertaining to implementation of Section 215 authority (11/18/09)
- Walton, Reggie (?) BR 09-19 [see also]
- Walton, Reggie, BR 10-10 (2/26/10)
- Walton, Reggie, BR 10-17 (5/14/10)
- Walton, Reggie, BR 10-49 (8/04/10)
- Walton, Reggie, BR 10-70 (10/29/10)
- Bates, John, BR, 11-07 (1/20/11)
- Feldman, Martin, BR 11-57 (4/13/11)
- Bates, John, BR 11-107 (6/22/11)
- ~9/20/11?
- BR-11-191 12/11? [see also]
- ~1/29/12?
- ~4/29/12?
- ~7/28/12?
- ~10/26/12?
- ~1/25/13?
- Vinson, Roger, BR 13-80, (4/25/13)
- Eagan, Claire, BR 13-109, (7/18/13)
- McLaughlin, Mary, BR 13-158 (10/11/13)
- Hogan, Thomas, BR 14-01 (1/3/14)
- Congress can access database to perform oversight
- Supplement gives FISC review over RAS and limits to 2 hops (2/5/14)
- Order denying motion to preserve data (3/7/14)
- Order approving preservation of data (3/12/14)
- Order requiring explanation for material misstatement regarding preservation orders (3/21/14)
- ? (3/28/14)