
It’s the Bush Record on Jobs (and His Role in the Deficit) Cheney Should Be Embarrassed About

Amanda Terkel has most of the story of Dick Cheney’s flip flop on the deficit: speaking to Rush Limbaugh today, Cheney expressed “embarrassment” about the debt limit fight.

“Now, these last few months have been pretty messy,” said Cheney. “I think like a lot of people I was embarrassed when they lowered our credit rating from AAA to AA. I literally felt embarrassed for my country.”

“But I also think that the fact that we’ve gotten to this point where we are faced with a crisis in terms of the debt problem, that that’s going to give those of us who want to address that issue and fix it the leverage that we haven’t had up until now, in terms of insisting on the kinds of policies that will be painful, but in the long run are necessary if we’re going to restore full faith and credit in the United States government.”

She goes on to note the atrocious Bush/Cheney record on deficits, and the quotes the passage from his autobiographical novel where he tries to explain away his “deficits don’t matter” comment.

In his new memoir “In My Time,” Cheney argued that that quote was misinterpreted.

“[O]f course I thought deficits mattered,” he wrote. “I just believed that it was important to see them in context, to note that while Ronald Reagan’s dramatic increases in the defense budget and his historic tax cuts did push the deficit from 2.7 percent of the gross domestic product in fiscal year 1980 to 6 percent in fiscal year 1983, his spending on defense helped put the Soviet Union out of business, and his tax cuts helped spur on the longest sustained waves of prosperity in our history.”

But that’s not all Cheney said about the tax cuts that created this deficit. On the following page, he made this even more absurd claim:

The Bush-era tax cuts helped grow the economy and create jobs, and I was glad to see them extended in December 2010 for two more years. If the Obama administration had reversed course and let tax rates rise across the board, the results would have been devastating.

Setting aside Cheney’s failure to consider the more logical choice–forcing Republicans to let taxes on rich people like himself go up–there’s the bigger problem with Cheney’s claim that the tax cuts “helped grow the economy and create jobs.”

They didn’t create any.

(Both graphs from this post.)

The first Bush-Cheney giveaway was passed on June 7, 2001. After which, jobs kept disappearing (though 9/11 made things worse). The second Bush-Cheney giveaway was passed on May 28, 2003. And while those cuts did precede a period where jobs actually were created in some months, Bush and Cheney never created enough jobs to stay very far ahead of population growth. They had the worst job creation record in history.

So Cheney’s complete story is this:

1) He did too care about deficits even when he was telling his Treasury Secretary he didn’t and even when he was launching two unpaid for wars.

2) Those tax cuts created jobs (only they didn’t).

3) Now that the things Cheney himself did to create a deficit crisis (such as one exists) have turned a surplus into a deficit, he’s “embarrassed.”

4) But he still supports doing things–like extending those tax cuts that didn’t create jobs–that create an even bigger hole in the deficit.

I agree Cheney should be embarrassed. But he’s got far more to be embarrassed about than the hostage taking by his own party.

The Crooks Trying to Bail-Out Alberto Gonzales

Let me start by stating that the words “legal” and “trust” don’t belong on a letterhead with Alberto Gonzales’ name blazoned at the top.

But that’s not the most interesting part of the letter soliciting donations for a legal defense fund for AGAG (linked by Main Justice). It’s the number of signers who were deeply embroiled in Bush Administration corruption. Starting, appropriately enough, with Bush himself.

President and Mrs. Bush have already made substantial gifts to the Judge’s legal expense fund.

But then there are people like Gale Norton, who resigned just as Gonzales’ DOJ began investigating an oil-trading scandal and who later was investigated for a slimy deal with her future employer, Shell Oil. Or Alphonso Jackson, who was also investigated by DOJ for cronyism in HUD contracts. Or Margaret Spellings, who declined to crack down on the pay-to-play scandal in the student loan business. Or Hank Paulson, who was buddying up to Goldman Sachs even as he was crafting out a bailout for them. I’d raise Condi and Rummy and torture; but then, Gonzales was involved as deeply as they were in torture.

Then again, the number of corrupt people soliciting money to pay off Gonzales’ legal bills may just be a function of the corruption in the Bush Administration. Because almost all of Bush’s cabinet secretaries signed this letter. So much so, that the people who didn’t sign may be more interesting than anything else. There are a number minor players here: former Department of Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, former Department of Education Secretary Rod Paige, former Ag Secretary Ann Veneman.

But there are three notable omissions among the major Secretaries: John Ashcroft, Paul O’Neill, and Colin Powell.

Oh, and one more rather notable Bush Administration guy missing from the list of people trying to help Gonzales out of his legal defense hole–a guy known to be rather fond of legal defense funds, in fact, for the right people: Dick Cheney.

Why doesn’t Dick Cheney want to help Alberto Gonzales pay for protecting the Bush Administration?