
Friday Morning: Damned Long Week Done

If another artist of note has died, don’t tell me. After losing David Bowie and now Alan Rickman this week, I can’t deal. We should have had another 20 years with these guys. I can think of some people I’d trade to have them back, can’t you?

JetBlue had a boo-boo: temporary data center service outage for airline
At least, that’s what was reported — JetBlue’s data center provided through Verizon went down yesterday for a couple of hours. I’m having a really tough time believing there wasn’t adequate fail-over. Hope the FAA is all over this. JetBlue’s customers must have been very angry, frustrated, and worried.

Microsoft ended support for Windows 8 on Tuesday
Yikes! Somehow in all the discussion about Microsoft ending support for all of its Internet Explorer versions except for the most current edition, I missed the end of support for the original Windows 8 as of this week’s Patch Tuesday.

If you updated your system to Windows 8.1, it’s all good. That version is still supported.

App uses wearables to identify love interest based on heartbeat
I am shaking my head as I type this. There’s no hope for humans when we turn over one of the most fundamental human processes over to machines. Is this really even human? Slap on your FitBit, check out your one curated candidate, check your heart rate. If it’s elevated, you reach out to see if they are interested.

Absolutely pathetic. Riddled with flaws. What if a user consumed too much caffeine, or had a stressful day at work, resulting in a tetchy heartbeat? What about all the other non-visual clues we use to identify candidates worth approaching? Ugh. This brave new world sucks.

Make mine with Svedka. Skip the olives, don’t bother with the vermouth. Skål!

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