
Trash Talk: Viva Los Suns!!

Shhhhh! Don’t anybody tell Marcy, but I am slipping an unauthorized trash in the mix; kind of like those randy journalists at Gitmo actually using a name, JOSHUA CLAUS, which has been in the public domain and global ether for a long time. I feel so rebellious. Question authority people!

Okay, there is no overarching reason for this trash, just seemed like we been into hot and heavy shit for a while now and some nerves are getting raw. Seemed like letting loose a little might be a good thing.

As you probably know by now, I live in one fucked up and legislatively mental midget state. When you ask these racist morons “what can brown do for you” they basically respond “fuck off and die”. All I can say is, as a native Arizonan who has spent most of his numerous years on the earth in Arizona, this is not what the Arizona I know, grew up in and love is about. Say what you will about Barry Goldwater, and much of the negative connotation of his name has always been overblown, I knew and remember him from the age I first really remember things from – maybe age five or six – and if he were alive he would be blasting the shit out of the idiots behind the current horsemanure. And he would be saying that John McCain is an opportunistic self important and self centered jackass that is only signing on to the current racism anti-brown profiling act because he cravenly thinks it might help him at the moment. Here is a news flash for the uninformed: This is exactly what Barry always thought of McCain.

So, out here in the desert, we are kind of fucked up. Like you didn’t know that after seeing Joe Arpaio, “The Most Cretinous Sheriff In America”, keep getting reelected by large margins. So, we got that going for us. But we also have Los Suns. And they are up 2-0 on San Antonio and are currently ahead [UPDATE – Los Suns Win Los Suns Win!!!] in game three on the Spurs’ home court, although there is time left in the game. The Spurs have been a thorn in the side of the Suns for freaking years. Trust me, I had lower level very good seats for more years than I can count, and Tim Duncan is relentlessly competent. We have been up on them 2-0 more than once and could not seal the deal. The Spurs never lose a game or a series, you have to beat them. And then step on their throat, because like Freddy Krueger, they keep coming back. You gots to admire the affirmative stand Steve Nash, Amare Stoudamire, Grant Hill and Los Suns have staked out on the Anti Minority Asshole Bigot Act. Viva Los Suns!!

Also this weekend is the Spanish Grand Prix. I’ll be honest, Catalunya is not my favorite track; it is a little sterile and cookie cutter corporate for me. Qualifying has not gone off yet, but Hamilton, Button, Schumacher, Vettel and Webber look fast after practice. The race goes off at 8:00 am EST Sunday, with coverage beginning at 7:30 am, all on Speed Channel.

Today’s musical selection is Sun King by the Cult, in honor of Los Suns of course. The Cult could flat out rip in their day. Some critics have said Ian Astbury is the reincarnation of Jim Morrison. I don’t know about that; I do not think there is anything quite like the Reverend Mojo Rising and, if there has been, it was more likely Michael Hutchence.