Nine Tax Chages Filed against Hunter Biden in Los Angeles

CNN first reported on the expected development.

The judge in the case is Mark Scarsi, a Trump appointee, but apparently one of the real judges the former President appointed.

Here’s the indictment.

Here’s the expenses they lay out.

The charges are:

  1. Failure to pay 2016
  2. Failure to pay 2017
  3. Failure to file 2017
  4. Failure to pay 2018
  5. Failure to file 2018
  6. Tax evasion 2018
  7. False return 2018
  8. False return 2018
  9. Failure to pay 2019

The three bolded charges for 2018 are the ones with big penalties.

Effectively what they did is build a bunch of lesser charges around the 2018 charges, during the worst of his addiction, for which the accounting was dicey.