
Joe Lie Even Pissed Off the League of Women Voters

I didn’t even know the League of Women Voters advocated on political issues.

But here they are, spanking Sanctimonious Joe. (h/t joejoejoe)

The League of Women Voters will launch a anew advocacy campaign next week that asks Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) to reconsider his recent threats to oppose any health care reform bill that includes a public insurance option. The League-sponsored campaign in support of the public option includes a 60-second radio ad, “Real,” and a new Facebook Page, “Do The Right Thing, Joe!,” that has already generated hundreds of comments from Connecticut voters.

The radio ad will begin airing on stations in Stamford and New Haven and directly addresses the Senator:  “Please do what’s right,” because “the need is real, the time is now” and “the choice is yours.”

“The League has supported the public insurance option without reservation from the beginning as the only way to adequately control costs and protect consumer choice,” said Mary G. Wilson, President of the League of Women Voters of the United States. “Senator Lieberman now has to make a choice about whether he wants to protect consumers or insurance companies.”

Is there anyone who doesn’t hate Joe Lieberman?

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