RBC, the Early Evening Edition
We will deal with Florida first, then Michigan. Limited debate.
Alice Huffman is speaking in support of her proposal to seat all of Florida. She got so much mail in support of seating Florida.
David McDonald opposing this motion, because it asks to go back to a time before it was complicated by campaign interests. The standard for FL getting a waiver is more complicated now than it was, given the documents produced (not sure what that means). This is not a problem that the voters in FL caused. It is a problem that impacts both those who went to the polls and those who did not.
Yvonne Gates also opposes. This is about respecting the rules. We’re not trying to penalize those individuals. When you have rules, they must be followed. If they’re not followed, you have chaos. I won’t be able to support the motion.
Hartina Flournoy. It saddens me that this motion has no chance of passing the body. I thought what drove these rules was being a party of inclusion. I’m sad about the fact that we will take a vote that does not bring FL back in. (She confuses MI and FL twice.)
Alice Germond. We told the voters the beauty contest had no meaning. Raises MLK. And Geraldine Ferraro.
Ickes. Want to associate myself with Tina Flournoy and Alice.
Mona Pasquill. Thanks for the gifts of food. There are sometimes when you have to revisit the rules. We talk a lot about respect. I want to be responsible to these voters.
Motion fails by 15-12. Chants of "Denver, Denver" throughout.
Ralph Dawson. Consider reduction of penalty to 50%. In view of offer by Obama’s campaign to afford certain delegates. 1) All pledged delegates be restored, at .5 vote. In addition, all pledged delegate positions shall be allocated Hillary 52.5, Edwards 6.5, Obama 33.5 delegate votes. Unpledged delegates cast one-half vote at the Convention. Fill delegate positions including right of approval.
Alice Huffman. Not the motion I would have liked. I also know that we cannot leave here and not do something, for Florida. When you can leave with unity, what this party needs is unity. We will leave here more united than we came. This is about finding a way to make whole, to some degree.
Lipstick on a pig, someone calls.
Alice Huffman. Do you believe in Democracy? That vote failed. Please conduct yourselves like proper men and women. Read more →