Friday Morning [?!]: Chamber of Delights
It’s Friday. FINALLY. And it’s jazz exploration day, too. Today we sample some chamber jazz, here with Meg Okura and the Pan Asian Chamber Ensemble.
It. Me. That is to say, of all genres, this one feels most like a part of myself. Here’s another chamber jazz favorite — Quarter Chicken Dark from The Goat Rodeo Sessions. And another — Model Trane, the first cut in this linked video by Turtle Island Quartet.
You can see and hear for yourself what makes chamber jazz different from other genres: chamber instruments used in classical music to perform jazz.
Whew, I needed this stuff. Hope you like it, too, though I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea.
My morning was overbooked, only have time today for a few things that caught my eye.
Encryption and privacy issues
Go To Jail Indefinitely card for suspect who won’t unlock hard drives (Naked Security) — Seems odd this wasn’t the case the USDOJ used to force cracking of password-protected accounts on devices, given the circumstances surrounding a less-than-sympathetic defendant.
Amicus brief by ACLU and EFF for same case (pdf – Ars Technica)
Supreme Court ruling extends reach of FBI’s computer search under Rule 41 (Bloomberg) — Would be nice if the Email Privacy Act, now waiting for Senate approval, addressed this and limited law enforcement’s overreach.
Climate change and its secondary effects
India’s ongoing drought now affects 330 million citizens, thousands have died from heat and dehydration (Oneindia) — 330 million is slightly more people than the entire U.S. population. Imagine what could happen if even one or two percent of these affected fled the country as climate refugees.
Tiger poaching in India dramatically increased over last year ( — Have to ask if financial stress caused by drought encouraged illegal killing of tigers, now that more tigers have been poached this year to date compared to all of last year. Are gains in tiger population now threatened by primary and secondary effects of climate change?
Though severe El Nino deepened by climate change causes record drought now, an equally deep La Nina could be ahead ( — Which could mean dramatic rains and flooding in areas where plant growth has died off, leaving little protection from water runoff. Are any governments planning ahead even as they deal with drought?
Hope your weekend is pleasant — see you Monday morning!