I am still catching up on events of the last week and so I don’t have a really good sense of WTF is going on with the FBI raid of Scott Bloch’s house and–according to NPR, via Sara–body cavities. But I wanted to point you to this analysis of a document drafted by a bunch of Office of Special Counsel investigators, listing their complaints about Bloch’s intervention into their investigations. I hoped that, by reading the analysis, I could figure out whether Bloch was in the bag for the Administration or opposed to the Administration. And, for the life of me, I can’t really discern any logic to Bloch’s action.
Go read the analysis. But here’s a scorecard of what the analysis seems to suggest:
Office of Political Affairs (Karl Rove’s shop at the White House)
Bloch consistently forced the task force conducting the omnibus investigation into whether the White House illegally used agency resources to help Republicans to expand its scope, even beyond the mandate of OSC.
Score: Anti-Bush
US Attorney Firing
Bloch refused repeated DOJ Inspector General demands that he drop his investigation into whether the Administration fired David Iglesias for political reasons, even while he insisted that the Iglesias firing was not a Hatch Act violation. Bloch seems to have insisted on keeping the case either because it was so high profile or to stymie DOJ IG’s investigation.
Score: Pro-Bush if done to stymie DOJ IG’s investigation
Monica Goodling’s Use of Political Tests in DOJ’s Hiring Practices
Bloch repeatedly refused to allow investigators to open an investigation into Goodling’s admitted Hatch Act violations. When he finally allowed investigators to open such an investigation, he allocated no resources to that investigation.
Score: Pro-Bush
Don Siegelman Prosecution
Bloch ordered investigators to close their investigation into the politicized prosecution of Don Siegelman.
Score: Pro-Bush
Politicized Prosecution of ACORN for Voting Fraud
Bloch refused to allow investigators to open an investigation into whether the timing of Missouri US Attorney Office indictments of ACORN voter registration employees was politically motivated.
Score: Pro-Bush
Lurita Doan
After completing an investigation into Lurita Doan which concluded that she had violated the Hatch Act, Bloch ordered investigators to open a second investigation into Doan, from a time before she worked in the Administration involving her husband. This second investigation sounds like a personal witch hunt against Doan.
Score: Anti-Bush
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