
Next Blagojevich Shoe to Drop: the Deputy Governor

Illinois’ Deputy Governor Bob Greenlee just "resigned."

A spokeswoman for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich says one of his top aides has resigned.

Spokeswoman Kelley Quinn on Wednesday said Deputy Gov. Bob Greenlee resigned. The reason for his resignation wasn’t immediately clear.

Greenlee’s resignation comes a day after Blagojevich was arrested on federal corruption charges.

Gosh, why do you think someone in Blagojevich’s office resigned today, the day after his boss got busted?

You don’t think it has anything to do with the search the Feds conducted of the Deputy Governor’s office yesterday, do you?

MR. FITZGERALD: It’s at the office of Deputy Governor — a deputy governor. And there’s a search warrant being executed at the Friends of Blagojevich campaign headquarters.

Or maybe it has to do with the large number of times one or another "Deputy Governor" was named in the complaint yesterday, you think? There’s no confirmation which Deputy Governor is which in the complaint, but there are descriptions of a Deputy Governor participating in the Trib stuff and the Senate seat sale and some of the fundraising scams. 

I mean, if I recognized I were the Deputy Governor named all those times in a complaint supporting the arrest of my boss, I might consult a lawyer pretty quickly. In fact, I might want to get chatty pretty quickly. Heck, even if I weren’t that Deputy Governor, I might chatty and get myself as far away from Blago as quickly as I could.

Then again, given the sheer stupidity of Blagojevich as portrayed in yesterday’s complaint, I wouldn’t put him beyond going on a firing spree as he got more and more paranoid about which of his friends had flipped on him. 

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