
Is Robert “Gold Bars” Luskin Hoping for Real Estate in Antigua?

So, Dick DeGuerin just ditched his former client, Allen Stanford because Stanford couldn’t guarantee DeGuerin would get paid.

 Allen Stanford has refused to authorize undersigned counsel to seek assurances of future legal fees and expenses. . . . Dick DeGuerin and his associated lawyers are unwilling to go forward without the assurance of being paid for work in the future.

Gosh, if you’re an accused white collar criminal with some goods stashed away but with the bulk of your known wealth frozen by regulators, who are you going to call?

Sure enough, Robert "Gold Bars" Luskin has come to Stanford’s rescue. WSJ’s Law Blog is wondering openly how Luskin imagines he’ll get paid.

In any event, we’re not sure how, or whether, this issue got resolved with Luskin and Patton Boggs well enough to allow him to take over.

Me, I’m just wondering if it’s going to be something more outrageous than the 45 gold bars Luskin accepted once from a money launderer. Maybe Stanford’s promised some real estate he managed to hold onto in Antigua or some other tax haven?