
Woodward Book: Joe Biden’s “Dementia” Tracked His Stress about Hunter Biden

Axios’ Chief Dick Pic Correspondent, Alex Thompson, did something funny yesterday.

He got very aroused because Bob Woodward’s book describes that donors began expressing concerns about Joe Biden’s mental fitness after a fundraiser in June 2023.

Biden, who was 80, had flown in from Washington earlier that day. A donor acknowledged he had probably woken up very early but appeared tired. “He could not wait to sit down and only took two pre-arranged questions.” He carried a handful of note cards with the answers printed out, but even then seemed to wander off point.

But by later in the day — the following passage, not marked by Thompson, described — donors witnessed the opposite. Biden was energetic. He wouldn’t sit down for two hours.

Thompson did, however, mark a description of events eight days later in June where donors said he couldn’t complete a sentence.

Thompson treated this like a smoking gun. This was proof that Biden’s team was hiding his dementia!!!

But coming as it did from Axios’ Chief Dick Pic Correspondent, it was instead a confession.

That’s because any good Dick Pic Correspondent like Thompson would have started his perusal of Woodward’s book by consulting the parts about Hunter Biden; everyone in DC knows you start reading a Woodward book with the index! And right in the middle of a discussion about Biden’s decision to step down in July, there’s a discussion about Hunter.

Blinken knew Hunter’s struggles had derailed Biden emotionally much, much more than any outsider or the public realized. Another of Blinken’s friends called this “the real war,” the battle that affected Biden more than Ukraine, more than Israel. The guilt was overwhelming. If he were not president, “my beautiful boy,” “my little boy” would not be under the crushing scrutiny of all the investigations, he’d say. Biden was heartbroken.

In June 2023, Biden was showing what people viewed as signs of impairment, but also wild swings from hour to hour, on June 19. In June 2024, Biden had a disastrous debate performance, seemingly confirming real dementia.

And yet, as Tony Blinken described it, what was really going on, what the public didn’t realize, is that Biden was wracked with guilt in knowing that even as Hunter was trying to stay sober, Biden’s political adversaries — abetted by Chief Dick Pic Correspondents like Alex Thompson — had made private citizen and recovering addict Hunter Biden their singular focus, their means to find scandal with Joe Biden (before they moved onto marking just the passages of a book that described him struggling at fundraisers).

The connection between Biden’s worst moments and Hunter’s plight should have been clear to someone like Thompson.

It was to me.

The day after the disastrous debate, I laid out how much stress Biden had been under, pointing specifically to the toll of the deliberately humiliating trial earlier that month and the pending, even more humiliating one.

  • His kid was convicted in a trial that not only laid bare what a cost Joe’s political career has been on his family, but that would, without question, never have happened if his son were not the son of President Joe Biden

And the passage that Thompson treats like a smoking gun shows that on the day prosecutors first floated that there was an ongoing investigation (and, as became clear in retrospect, the first day the new prosecutors who would renege on the plea deal got added to the case), Biden was a mess. But later in the day, when the plea deal had seemingly been finalized, Biden was great.

Here is Chris Clark’s declaration, which describes how, on June 19, Hunter’s team thought they had reassurances that the entire ordeal would soon be over.

35. On June 19, 2023, at 2:53 PM EST, after I had a phone call with AUSA Hanson indicating I would do so, I emailed AUSA Hanson a proposed press statement to accompany the public release of both Informations that read, in part, “I can confirm that the five-year long, extensive federal investigation into my client, Hunter Biden, has been concluded through agreements with the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware.” (Emphases added.) A true and correct copy of Chris Clark’s June 19, 2023, email to AUSA Hanson is attached hereto as Exhibit P.

36. Shortly after that email, I had another phone call with AUSA Hanson, during which AUSA Hanson requested that the language of Mr. Biden’s press statement be slightly revised. She proposed saying that the investigation would be “resolved” rather than “concluded.” I then asked her directly whether there was any other open or pending investigation of Mr. Biden overseen by the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office, and she responded there was not another open or pending investigation. Thereafter, at 4:18 PM EST that day, I sent AUSA Hanson a revised statement that read: “With the announcement of two agreements between my client, Hunter Biden, and the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, it is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved.” (Emphases added.) The new statement revised the language from “concluded” to “resolved,” a stylistic change that meant the same thing. A true and correct copy of Chris Clark’s June 19, 2023, email to AUSA Hanson is attached hereto as Exhibit Q. [Clark’s italics, my bold]

Days later, when disgruntled IRS agents and Chief Dick Pic Correspondents like Thompson began to claw away at the plea again, Biden was once again a wreck.

It’s absolutely true that Woodward’s book describes events a year ago when donors viewed Biden to be a wreck. It’s also true that Woodward provides the alternate explanation that Chief Dick Pic Correspondents should immediately recognize — but won’t, because they’re trying to drum up scandal somewhere else now. One of the things making Biden a wreck was the guilt of knowing his son had become enemy number one as a way to harm him personally.

I’m not saying Biden is not old. I’m not denying that Biden had difficulties advocating for his policies. Harris has done a far better job at doing so.

I am saying that the pack of rabid Dick Pic Sniffers who had spent the first two weeks of June wallowing in just how humiliating prosecutors had made that trial, for the entire Biden family, somehow forgot about what they themselves had described as an immense strain on the entire family a few weeks later when Biden bolloxed that debate. And now Chief Dick Pic Correspondent Alex Thompson can’t even recognize the significance of that date, June 19, 2023, when Biden was having wild emotional swings.

When Vice President Harris answered Hallie Jackson’s question that similarly tried to drum up a smoking gun about Kamala covering up Biden’s purported decline, Harris suggested that Jackson might ask Biden if there was another reason, beyond simple mental impairment, why he dropped out of the race.

Deciding to end the public targeting of his son could well be one reasons.

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