We’ve Got a Potential Witness (and Mention) List

There you are, ladies and gentleman, the list of all potential witnesses who may be called at Scooter Libby’s trial. The most interesting surprise? Dougie Feith, propaganda artist extraordinaire. And yes, Karl is on there. Condi Rice is on there. George Tenet. Scottie McClellan. Andy Card. Adam Levine–who has said clearly that Libby and Rove were in charge of the Wilson response and who Hubris suggest might be 1–he’s on there.

There are fifteen (oops, missed some) people from OVP, including Libby and Dick. Call me crazy, but this trial is probably going to shine more light on the dark corner that is the Vice President’s office than anything we’ve seen before.

I’ll comment more below, but for now I wanted to share this with you. This trial is going to be nuts!!!

Update: As cboldt notes, this is a list of everyone who may be mentioned at the trial, not witnesses. And per his request, here’s the voir dire questions.

We've Got a Potential Witness (and Mention) List

There you are, ladies and gentleman, the list of all potential witnesses who may be called at Scooter Libby’s trial. The most interesting surprise? Dougie Feith, propaganda artist extraordinaire. And yes, Karl is on there. Condi Rice is on there. George Tenet. Scottie McClellan. Andy Card. Adam Levine–who has said clearly that Libby and Rove were in charge of the Wilson response and who Hubris suggest might be 1–he’s on there.

There are fifteen (oops, missed some) people from OVP, including Libby and Dick. Call me crazy, but this trial is probably going to shine more light on the dark corner that is the Vice President’s office than anything we’ve seen before.

I’ll comment more below, but for now I wanted to share this with you. This trial is going to be nuts!!!

Update: As cboldt notes, this is a list of everyone who may be mentioned at the trial, not witnesses. And per his request, here’s the voir dire questions.

Charter 77 Turns 30

Covering the New Secrecy

Double Edged Classified Swords

Anatomy of Deceit

A Discussion of How Stupid the AP and WSJ Are

Apologies for the all-Plame all-the-time posting. I’m working on a big post, but meanwhile pow wow has alerted me to late-game stupidity–or complicity–on the part of the AP and the WSJ. In last-ditch effort to discredit the investigation forestall the civil trial make waves, they are asking a judge to unseal the subpoenas and the appeals court decision that forced Cooper and Judy to testify.

The Associated Press and Dow Jones, in court papersfiled this week, asked for the release of the sworn statementsFitzgerald gave to justify subpoenas for New York Times reporter JudithMiller and Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper.


“Recently the public learned thatthe special counsel’s pursuit of those reporters was entirelyunnecessary for him to determine who leaked Ms. Plame’s name to Mr.Novak,” lawyers for the news services wrote.

I don’t suppose the judge can be so dismissive as simply pointing these (ahem) esteemed journalistic institutions to a humble dirty hippy’s blog. But here are some suggestions I’ve got for the AP and WSJ, in lieu of tying up our court system. And honest, the suggestions are a lot more constructive than the first one, which was basically that they get their head out of their collective arse.