Witness List

Defense Exhibits

Defense Exhibit List

1-2 (Note on sources, early asset hunt)

3-4 (Mission accomplished and Harlow’s tirade)

5-7 (Prepublication review)

Government Exhibits

Government Exhibit List

1-4, 34, 53, 79 (non-disclosures, 53 MOU of Shedd meeting with Sheehy)

5-15 (Merlin cables, including SF meeting)

16-24 (Merlin cables, including Sterling)

25-34 (Merlin cables)

35-38 (Merlin cables, murdered messenger)

39-43 (Vienna pictures)

44-47 (Merlin cables, mission accomplished)

52, 78, 81, 84, 86-87, 89-93 (Publication review board)

59, 60, 75, 83 (PARs plus 9/11 destruction)

 48-50, 51, 54-58 61-63, 65, 66, 73-75 77, 94-96, 98, 102, 118 (EEO complaint and lawsuit, CNN email to Risen)

99, 116, 127 (PRB suit)

100, 101, 110, 117, 119-124 (SSCI materials)

103 (March 2003 Iran approach)

105-108, 111-115 (CIA Response to Risen)

117, 119-124, 126, 146 (Forensic print out from MO computer)

125, 128-131, 137, 139-141 (Risen materials; Sterling subpoenas)

126, 134, 145, 146 (forensics)

132 (State of War, as entered into evidence)

133, 135 (Informing the Merlins)

142-144 Rotary phone documents seized on 10/05/06

157-160 (computer forensics)

 161, 163, 166-168 (Stipulations on Risen)

162, 164 169 (Risen & 2 other Stipulations)

173-175 (Risen and other stipulations)

176 (Merlins’ payments)