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105 search results for: usa purge


PCLOB Report, Working Thread

The report is here. I will do a running update of my comments. Page references will be to the report page numbers, not PDF. (4) Note PCLOB had access to “various inspector general reports.” (6) Note the dates when WH got these conclusions. (9) PCLOB confirms what I was the first to point out: this […]


The Google/Yahoo Problem: Fruit of the Poison MCT?

OK, this will be my last post (at least today) to attempt to understand why some Internet providers incurred so many costs associated with the response to the FISA Court’s October 3, 2011 decision that the government had improperly collected US person data as part of Multiple Communication Transactions. For the moment, I’m going to […]


An EPIC Effort to Combat the Dragnet

The Electronic Privacy Information Center has filed a writ of mandamus to SCOTUS to overturn the Section 215 order turning over all of Verizon’s call records to the NSA. Let me be clear: this is a moon shot. I’m doubtful it’ll work. A really helpful post at SCOTUSblog on the effort emphasizes how unusual this […]


Exigent Letters Timeline

July 2002: CAU formed March 14, 2003: First exigent letter issued in NY May 2003: First contract with telecom for onsite exigent assistance March 2004: Last contract with telecom for onsite exigent assistance February 2, 2005: Operation W NSL signed; Tracker database attempted February 2006: Procedures to verify factual accuracy of FISA applications March 9, […]