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105 search results for: usa purge


The DNC Email Ruling

The Democratic National Committee has been suing the DOJ in DC District Court to obtain some 68 pages of emails relaing to the US Attorney purge. There are two issues to be contemplated here. The first is the relative propriety of Huvelle’s decision, and foundation therefor, in the DNC case, and the second is what implications it may have for the greater mass of contentious email issues that are percolating in our midst.


Did I Say Bear Hunting?

I haven’t seen any bears. I found a few beers, though.

Here’s a quick hits list of things I may return to on Wednesday, when I resume normal blogging.The Pats beat the Colts … ugly. Shane Harris reveals that the rationale for asking Qwest to break the law before 9/11 was hackers.


Gonzales Refuses to Answer Questions

Via C&L, John McKay made some really revealing comments in Spokane on Friday.

The U.S. Inspector General may recommend criminal prosecution ofdeparted Attorney General Alberto Gonzales at the conclusion of aninvestigation, possibly as early as next month, the fired former for Western Washington told a Spokane audience Friday.


McKay said he was summoned to Washington, D.C., in June andquestioned for eight hours about possible reasons for his firing byinvestigators with the Office


Ix-Nay on the Onstitution-Cay

This is ripe. Apparently, the conservative blogosphere realized there wasn’t a good defense for Harriet’s claim of immunity from being subpoenaed, so they called the White House and begged for talking points. And then they published those talking points. Which, first of all, exposes to all the world that conservative bloggers are willing to gobble any kind of shite thrown at them.

If Congress pursues criminal contempt and the DoJ refuses to


GOP Domestic Spying and "Trepidation"

Amidst the hoopla about threats to America yesterday, a Walter Pincus story about a different kind of threat to America kind of fell through the cracks. Pincus reported that the top two officials of the Counterintelligence Field Activity, CIFA, abruptly announced their resignation (effective the end of the month). Justin Rood at TPMM managed to get a copy of the resignation email, which basically described how two guys decided to resign