Of Puppies and Pirates
So here’s a Happy Easter story of puppies and pirates.
There once was a Portuguese Water puppy that lived, for a time, with older cousins at a big estate in Hyannisport, MA. Because the puppy’s cousin’s people were Democrats, the puppy learned not only basic puppy manners, but also a fine respect for Democratic institutions, including social services, tolerance, and solidarity with other working breeds.
There came a time when that Portuguese Water puppy moved from the big estate in Hyannisport to a different big estate in the nation’s capital. At this new estate, there were no cousins for the puppy to play with, but there were two young girls who were just as much fun. The people at this new estate, like the ones at the old estate, valued those same Democratic principles, including solidarity.
At this new estate, though, the Portuguese Water puppy’s new people talked–even more than at the old estate–about big worries. Banks collapsing and people losing their jobs and their health care. And pirates.
The Portuguese Water puppy wanted to help its new people, particularly because, having learned the value of solidarity, he wanted to help the captain captured by pirates on the other side of the world. After all, who had more solidarity with a captain than a Portuguese Water puppy?
So the puppy created a distraction.
He donned a rainbow lei (remember, those people at Hyannisport taught this puppy tolerance) and wowed the press. Everyone was talking about this new puppy in the estate in the capital. The two young girls finally had their puppy!
Even the pirates were distracted.
The puppy’s fellow seamen snuck in and rescued the captain held hostage on the other side of the world.
And that’s how the Portuguese Water puppy reminded everyone to count their Easter blessings. Happy Easter, everyone!!