SJC Mukasey Hearing, Part Two
DiFi: I’ve been reading your letter. For the first time you disclose that waterboarding is not part of the approved methods. You disclose the method by which a new method is approved. Was this the case in the past?
MM: I’m not authorized to say what happened in the past.
DiFi: It is widely alleged that at least three people were waterboarded. Did the President approve that?
MM: I can’t speak to that.
DiFi: Both MCA and Detainee Treatment act, loophole is CIA. I proposed amendment that would put the entire govt under Field Manual. Accepted by House and Senate. If it comes to floor and remains in bill, once and for all, waterboarding be prohibited by govt.
MM: CIA director becomes aware, however he becomes aware of a technique, describes circumstances by which it’ll be done, to me, I consult with whomever I have to consult with, then it goes to President.
DiFi: I know how they say it works, I don’t know if it’s legal or not.
DiFi: What about contractors?
MM: I don’t know?
DiFi: I’d like to know if it’s legal to contract out enhanced techniques to a contractor.
DiFi: Why hasn’t DOJ responded to Scott Bloch?
MM: There are investigations going on by OPR and OIG into those subjects. A response has gone out to Mr. Bloch is in process.
DiFi: After receiving no cooperation for four months, Mr. Bradbury reiterates the request that we step down. I assume there is some conflict with this.
[So this is coming from OLC? Wow]
MM: Bloch is in an office that is not within the department. I will see to it that he gets a response.
DiFi: Will you copy us on that?
Kyl: Thanks for writing us a letter. Can you send up a list of all vacant slots that this committee needs to act on? [plus lots of stuff about putting brown people in jail]
Leahy: In addition to the list of empty spots, will you also send a list of those spots for which we have not nominee, and a list of letters to which DOJ has not yet responded.
Feingold: Thanks for call regarding treatment of GLBT employees at department. You appear to be embracing the Administration’s position without judgment. You say you don’t want to say whether waterboarding is torture, bc it would tip off our enemies. We have a system of public laws. Your statement suggests you’d not prosecute a govt official for violating such laws. Read more →