Some Context on Scowcroft

About that INR Analyst

Is Plame WINPAC?

About Judy's Security Clearance

The Judy Saga: My First Impressions

Undisclosed Location–I was right about the sporadic Internet access, here in Undisclosed Location. I can only get two bars if I hold the laptop on top of my knees, over my head. I either get to look at the computer, or get a signal. [I’ll try to come back and put in links when I happen to get two bars.]

And one more creepy thing about Undisclosed Location. There are aspens everywhere here. It’s stunningly beautiful, really. Far and away the best fall colors I’ve ever seen (and I used to live on the edge of the Berkshires). But every time I look at the aspens I see clusters. And all I can think about is these biological clones, connected at the roots, and realize that Scooter Libby was clarifying for the entire world that Judy was first and foremost a part of this clique and only afterwards a journalist, if you can call her that. And I can’t say Judy did anything to correct the impression Libby had left.

My first impression, having read the NYT whitewash and the Judy fiction, is that 1) either Judy is lying when she says Fitzgerald has told her she’s only a witness in this case, 2) Fitz just set her up, she’s made a plea bargain and the "witness" comment is her cover, or 3) Fitz just handed her some more rope to hang herself in the press, which our "fucking right" "I got it all wrong" diva did precisely according to  script. Or maybe she was just parsing carefully. After all she says

Mr. Fitzgerald told the grand jury that I was testifying as a witness and not as a subject or target of his inquiry.

Which is not the same–at all–as saying she won’t be called as a subject or tagert.

In short, I think her article only serves to prove as more implicated, more guilty. Judy comes off as so terribly complicit in this crime that I find it hard to believe Fitz has absolved her of her many crimes.

In Defense of Judy. Kind of.

Subpoena June or Perjury Trap It?

Tony's Surprise Visit

The Outing of Joe Wilson

The Corrections