“Inferior Officers”

"Inferior Officers"

Shorter George: Screw the GOP Senators

Did Troy Eid Also Bypass the Vetting Process?

My first thought, after reading Carol Leonnig’s article on how DOJ is letting select candidates bypass normal screening processes, was of Troy Eid, Colorado’s USA. After all, Troy Eid wrote a letter trying to persuade Gale Norton to make judgments in favor of an Abramoff client, the Mashpee tribe, yet he didn’t register as a lobbyist for the tribe. And as for the one Greenberg Traurig client he did register for as a lobbyist, just about every other team member from GT was found to have been involved in improper dealings. Here’s a guy just one step removed from the stench of Jack Abramoff, winning nomination to serve as the US Attorney for Colorado. Did he go through the proper vetting process?

And in fact, there were inklings during his nomination process that there was a problem uncovered in his vetting process. Back in 2005, the first time his nomination was considered, there were rumors his nomination had hit a snag during the vetting process–specifically on the issue of improper lobbying.

But now the mandatory background check on Eid has hit a fewsnags, with the FBI asking around about some questionable lobbyingdecisions he may have been a part of. Eid left his Read more

Bypassing the Vetting Process

The Foggo-Wilkes Leaks

Dear George: Fire Wolfie, or Else