Decision Day On al-Haramain (updated)
It is decision day for the gunslingers at the al-Haramain corral. If you recall when we last left this little vignette, exactly one week ago today, Judge Vaughn Walker had just issued a fairly terse ruling giving certain instructions to the parties. Both parties were given one week, until today, May 29th, to produce written responses to the court.
The plaintiff al-Haramain was addressed as follows:
Plaintiffs shall, no later than May 29, 2009, submit a memorandum addressing whether it would now be appropriate and/or feasible for plaintiffs to file a motion for summary judgment on their claim under 50 USC § 1810. Plaintiffs should address the merits of filing such a motion under two scenarios: (1) with a protective order in place allowing plaintiffs’ counsel access to the Sealed Document; and (2) with no such protective order and no such access.
Basically very good news for the plaintiff, they are apparently going to proceed with their case, but were being given the option on how to proceed. Make no mistake, proceeding forward with the case is what plaintiffs are in this for; it is not about money for them.
The obstreperous and defiant defendant, the United States government by and through President Barack Obama was, however, not treated so kindly by the court. Judge Walker, clearly fed up with their belligerence and recalcitrance, drew the blade of a guillotine over the government’s head (and rightly so I might add).
Defendants are now ordered to show cause why, as a sanction for failing to obey the court’s orders:
(1) defendants should not be prohibited, under FRCP 37(b)(2)(ii), from opposing the liability component of plaintiffs’ claim under 50 USC § 1810 —— that is, from denying that plaintiffs are “aggrieved persons” who were subjected to electronic surveillance; and
(2) the court should not deem liability under 50 USC § 1810 established and proceed to determine the amount of damages to be awarded to plaintiffs.
Defendants shall submit written response to this order no later than May 29, 2009.
By good fortune, today is May 29, and the documents are rolling in. Here is the filing from al-Haramain hot off the press and before it even hits PACER. As Marcy put it a week ago when Walker’s order was filed, “how do you feel about summary judgment 1) with also getting the document, Read more →