Entries by Rayne

Big Data: An Alternate Reason for Hacks Past and Future?

On Monday, MIT’s Technology Review published an interesting read: Big Data Will Keep the Shale Boom Rolling. Big Data. Industry players are relying on large sets of data collected across the field to make decisions. They’re not looking at daily price points alone in the market place, or at monthly and quarterly business performance. They’re […]

Cyber-spawn Duqu 2.0: Was Malware Infection ‘Patient Zero’ Mapped?

Kaspersky Lab reported this morning a next-generation version of Duqu malware infected the information security company’s network. Duqu is a known reconnaissance malware. Its complexity suggests it was written by a nation-state. The malware appears closely affiliated with the cyber weapon malware Stuxnet. WSJ reported this particular version may have been used to spy on the P5+1 talks with Iran […]

Sony, the White House, and 10 Downing Street: What’s the Quid Pro Quo?

Lots of ugly things crawled out of Sony Pictures Entertainment’s emails leaked by hackers this past autumn. The leak of emails and intellectual property, including then-unreleased film The Interview, was labeled “a serious national security matter” by the White House. In January this year, President Obama issued an executive order increasing sanctions against North Korea, […]

Hollywood Illiberal: The Entertainment Industry’s Misogyny and Society’s Broken Mirror

In a recent heated discussion I was told, “Hollywood is liberal.” That’s bullshit, I said. “But the themes they use in their stories—they’re liberal,” they rebutted. Again, bullshit. The proof is in the numbers. Hollywood is a backward institution, the leadership and ownership of which are overwhelmingly white and male. Entertainment looks as bad if not […]

Software Is Not Capital if You’re Not a Software Company

The Economist trumpets Thomas Piketty’s Capital and his theory, r > g, has had its first serious rebuttal, glowing like a proud parent over graduate student Matthew Rognlie’s work. Note this bit: Mr Rognlie mounts three main criticisms of these arguments. First, he argues that the rate of return from capital probably declines over the long run, […]

Mapping Treasure: Looking Beyond the Yield of Traditional Insider Trading

A former SAC hedge fund manager, who cooperated with law enforcement, avoided a prison sentence this week after the FBI’s investigation into insider trading found criminal activities. It’s a rather typical story in which persons unfairly benefited from information they would not otherwise have access to outside their work as traders. Six persons were ultimately […]

Russia’s Sabre-Rattling: Not Just Bluster About Banks and Ukraine Unrest

Last Friday, CNBC interviewed Andrey Kostin, CEO of Russia’s second largest bank, following the EU’s decision to extend economic sanctions against Russia, ostensibly to punish Russia for hostilities against Ukraine. Kostin’s comments were combative. “You know, we have quite a strong opinion on sanctions. Sanctions, in other words, is economic war against Russia. Economic war […]