Entries by Rayne

Tuesday Morning: Garbage in, Garbage out [UPDATE]

Why’d I pick this music video, besides the fact I like the tune? Oh, no reason at all other than it’s trash day again. Speaking of trash… Facebook furor just frothy foam? I didn’t add yesterday’s Gizmodo piece on Facebook’s news curation yesterday or the earlier May 3 piece because I thought the work was […]

Happy Mother’s Day!

Photo: Migrant agricultural worker’s family. Seven children without food. Mother aged thirty-two. Father is a native Californian. Nipomo, California Taken by Dorothea Lange, Feb/Mar 1936 Library of Congress Not the most famous of Lange’s photos, but one of the same subject. In another photo taken during this shoot, the mother shown here is nursing the […]

Friday Morning: Gypsy Caravan

TIME, you old gipsy man, Will you not stay, Put up your caravan Just for one day? — excerpt, Time, You Old Gipsy Man by Ralph Hodgson If last week’s Friday chamber jazz was most like me, this genre is next to it. Gypsy jazz is what my grandfather always hoped I’d learn to play; […]

Thursday Morning: Burning Bright

Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire? — excerpt, The Tyger by William Blake Props to Fort […]

Tuesday Morning: Brittle, Two

Yesterday I talked about the shift toward mobile computing centered on smartphones, moving from PCs. Behind that transition, out of sight of the public, is the cloud which supports this shift. Content and applications are increasingly stored not on the user’s device but in a server (read: data farm) accessed over the internet. One manifestation […]

Monday Morning: Brittle

The Emperor’s Palace was the most splendid in the world, all made of priceless porcelain, but so brittle and delicate that you had to take great care how you touched it. … — excerpt, The Nightingale from The Yellow Fair Book by Andrew Lang Last week I’d observed that Apple’s stock value had fallen by […]