Entries by Rayne

You, Too, Armenia?

Come on, give us a break, will you? Most of us are still digging out of news on France’s latest terror attack, the 28-pages released on Friday, and Turkey’s so-called coup. Couldn’t you wait until later this coming week? Apparently not. Reliable reports are even more scarce than for Turkey as Armenia is even more aggressive […]

Stuffing Turkey

Watching events unfold in Turkey last night was surreal. It was difficult to tell the various players apart, let alone pick credible voices. By midnight EDT I was skeptical — more than I usually am. — President Tayyip Erdoğan was allegedly in the air at some point, allegedly asked for asylum in Germany which allegedly […]

Friday: Teh Stoopid, Still Burns [UPDATE-2]

Teh stoopid. So much, a bumper crop today. Put on your hip waders while we listen to a little ska-jazz from The Specials. [Go to bottom of post for update.] LAST DAY OF THE MONTH Don’t stand in front of the exit doors today at the House of Representatives. You’ve been warned. Toobz filled with […]

Thursday: Bad Girls

One thing before I go any further…look just above these words, below this post’s title and to the right of the date of publication. See the name ‘Rayne’? That’s me, that’s my byline. Please note there are multiple contributors here at emptywheel. The entire site is eponymously named for its owner, Marcy Wheeler, whose online […]

Wednesday: Dumb Dumb [UPDATE]

Let’s change the pace today with some K-pop — a little hyper-upbeat Korean pop music influenced by hip hop. You may already be familiar with K-pop if you are familiar with insanely popular tune Gagnam Style by the artist Psy, released in 2012. But K-pop isn’t just male artists like GOT7, Shinhwa, and BIGBANG. There […]

Tuesday: Trauma

A little neo soul, something to ease the day. If you like this bit by 20-year-old Doja Cat, check out more of her work at her YouTube channel. FOUR DAYS That’s all that’s left of in-session days in U.S. House this month, and nothing done yesterday to help Flint. Yet another report on Flint water […]

Monday: Gotta’ Catch ‘Em All

[NB: Embedded video contains adult language NSFW] I had a very disturbing conversation with some 18-to-20-somethings this weekend about privacy and networked communications. I can’t decide if I’m pissed off or terrified that these particular youngsters believed: Most young people their age don’t care if their privacy has been compromised; If they care at all, […]

Friday (somewhere): Why

More stuff broken and worse than I expected. Rather an understatement, that. This week has been a massive case of broken. Other broken things Polarized Congress damaging oversight? (CSMonitor) — Hyper-partisanship at fault? Perhaps. But it’s awfully weird when the current FBI Director, who served under a Republican president as Deputy Attorney General, doesn’t give a GOP-dominated House […]

Wednesday: Mend

Repair Day here, can’t spend much time reading or writing as I’ll be tied up mending things. Enjoy a little mellow Foo Fighters’ tune — can’t handle metal rock today or I’ll end up HULK SMASHing things I’m supposed to fix. Here’s a range of topics which deserve more attention: • UK’s Chilcot report released […]

Tuesday: Rubbish

This won’t be everybody’s cup of matcha and may not offer an optimum listening experience for most business offices. Today’s kick-in-the-seat to start the week is a Japanese rock genre at the intersection of glam rock and black metal. Visual kei rock combines glam’s signature elements with black metal’s dark, heaviness. Some say punk influences visual kei but […]