Day 34: Frankly, We Have a Lot Right Now
A lot of evidence or a lot of nonsense — we haz one of them. Bring yours to this open thread. It’s also Day 34 in our countdown to Tax Day.
Blogger since 2002, political activist since 2003, geek since birth. Opinions informed by mixed-race, multi-ethnic, cis-female condition, further shaped by kind friends of all persuasions. Sci-tech frenemy, wannabe artist, decent cook, determined author, successful troublemaker. Mother of invention and two excessively smart-assed young adult kids. Attended School of Hard Knocks; Rather Unfortunate Smallish Private Business School in Midwest; Affordable Mid-State Community College w/evening classes. Self-employed at Tiny Consulting Business; previously at Large-ish Chemical Company with HQ in Midwest in multiple marginalizing corporate drone roles, and at Rather Big IT Service Provider as a project manager, preceded by a motley assortment of gigs before the gig economy was a thing. Blogging experience includes a personal blog at the original, managing editor for a state-based news site, and a stint at Firedoglake before landing here at emptywheel as technology’s less-virginal-but-still-accursed Cassandra.
A lot of evidence or a lot of nonsense — we haz one of them. Bring yours to this open thread. It’s also Day 34 in our countdown to Tax Day.
It’s March 15 — you have 35 days until Tax Day deadline for your annual filing. Donald Trump has 35 days to come up with yet another “dog ate my homework” excuse.
In which we take a look at some modern Polish baroque gothic art and some non-arts stuff. This is an open thread.
It’s been 105 years since the first International Women’s Day. Women’s socio-economic power has not reached parity in 2-3 lifetimes since 1911.
We’re suffering from a collective existential dread. Offload some of it here in this open thread.
If you can’t think of something that made you want to scream this week, count yourself a lucky person. This is an open thread — scream away.
A look back at the case of Russian spies arrested in the U.S. — the ones looking into market destabilization, recruiting from college students, and investing in casinos.
What an interesting coincidence that a Russian spy vessel didn’t ‘loiter’ near any of more than a dozen naval sites along the east coast. Instead, it picked a spot near Long Island. Iced tea, anyone?
In a breathtakingly offensive move, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell used a gag rule to stop Elizabeth Warren from reading Coretta Scott King’s letter about Jeff Sessions’ efforts to suppress African American voters.
In this post: A short film depicts a failed love story in electronic debris and a tick-tock behind yesterday’s stock market’s scramble.