Michael Flynn’s “Revolution”
Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn spoke in front of the Young Americans for Freedom a week after the 2016 election. His language is worth noting; why did he call the campaign a “revolution”?
Blogger since 2002, political activist since 2003, geek since birth. Opinions informed by mixed-race, multi-ethnic, cis-female condition, further shaped by kind friends of all persuasions. Sci-tech frenemy, wannabe artist, decent cook, determined author, successful troublemaker. Mother of invention and two excessively smart-assed young adult kids. Attended School of Hard Knocks; Rather Unfortunate Smallish Private Business School in Midwest; Affordable Mid-State Community College w/evening classes. Self-employed at Tiny Consulting Business; previously at Large-ish Chemical Company with HQ in Midwest in multiple marginalizing corporate drone roles, and at Rather Big IT Service Provider as a project manager, preceded by a motley assortment of gigs before the gig economy was a thing. Blogging experience includes a personal blog at the original blogs.salon.com, managing editor for a state-based news site, and a stint at Firedoglake before landing here at emptywheel as technology’s less-virginal-but-still-accursed Cassandra.
Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn spoke in front of the Young Americans for Freedom a week after the 2016 election. His language is worth noting; why did he call the campaign a “revolution”?
A little recap of events overnight while we wait for Channel 4’s second video. This is an open thread.
I did NOT see this coming, a perfect example of blindness based in preconceived notions about technology companies: Cambridge Analytica created and used kompromat in campaign work.
This time these three things are related and I can’t write an individual post on each one because my blood pressure won’t handle it, thanks to Moochin’ Mnuchin. This is an open thread.
Ten years ago this week Bear Stearns crashed. It was a surprise to see Bear Stearns’ name pop up in the middle of recent HPSCI testimony. Ditto seeing Trump linked to Bear Stearns’ bond financing before the 2008 crash. Have we learned nothing?
This is an open thread launched while current events still unfold. It may offer an overview for folks still acquainting themselves with the news about Rex Tillerson, Russia, and the UK.
Call me cynical, but I think this anticipated US-North Korea meeting is just another means for making somebody cash.
Didn’t Congress learn anything from 2008? Didn’t Democrats in particular learn anything from the banking-created crash? Tell them to get a clue and vote NO on S.2155 banking regulation roll-back.
A motley collection of things on my desk, fit only for an open thread — stock and commodities markets this morning, a little playing with language, some cyber. The usual around here.
There’s more going on than meets the eye, a casual search reveals. Why was a bank and tax fraud and money launderer involved in identity theft monitoring?