If It’s The Weekend, It Must Be Golf
It’s Saturday. This must be our time to gaze with longing on the verdure only golf courses grow — and by verdure I don’t mean the fairways, tees, or greens.
Blogger since 2002, political activist since 2003, geek since birth. Opinions informed by mixed-race, multi-ethnic, cis-female condition, further shaped by kind friends of all persuasions. Sci-tech frenemy, wannabe artist, decent cook, determined author, successful troublemaker. Mother of invention and two excessively smart-assed young adult kids. Attended School of Hard Knocks; Rather Unfortunate Smallish Private Business School in Midwest; Affordable Mid-State Community College w/evening classes. Self-employed at Tiny Consulting Business; previously at Large-ish Chemical Company with HQ in Midwest in multiple marginalizing corporate drone roles, and at Rather Big IT Service Provider as a project manager, preceded by a motley assortment of gigs before the gig economy was a thing. Blogging experience includes a personal blog at the original blogs.salon.com, managing editor for a state-based news site, and a stint at Firedoglake before landing here at emptywheel as technology’s less-virginal-but-still-accursed Cassandra.
It’s Saturday. This must be our time to gaze with longing on the verdure only golf courses grow — and by verdure I don’t mean the fairways, tees, or greens.
An open thread for matters unrelated to House Oversight Committee hearing and BDTS — including the attempt to blackmail Jeff Bezos.
Still puzzling: Why did contract editors complain about Facebook’s bias to a struggling Gawker outlet just after Trump became the presumptive nominee and before Gawker filed bankruptcy?
What really sparks happiness and peace? What is it we should jettison if we are truly keeping that which is honest and trustworthy, responsible, respectful, caring, and fair?
Today’s round is just a good walk foiled. This is an open thread.
Why are industries which aren’t in health care providing health care programs at all? Why can’t we provide health care for everyone so that businesses can focus on their own businesses?
A couple of older billionaire white dudes have been shooting off their mouths. One of them is partially clued in. The other one apparently lives on a different planet where the sky is a groovy coffee-colored plaid.
Perhaps these two threads — the IRA’s information warfare and Stone’s hacked email ratfucking — weren’t guided by a common entity. But they certainly sewed toward the same outcome.
On a cold and snowy afternoon a friend and I asked ourselves this simple question: if one owned a luxury private golf course club or resort, how could they launder money or make unreported income? This is an open thread.
Brace yourselves, kiddies, the roller coaster ride isn’t over. This is an open thread.