Three Things: Endemic COVID-19 Edition
Need some good news? This isn’t it. Brace yourself because it’s going to get worse no matter what the Trump White House wants you to believe.
Blogger since 2002, political activist since 2003, geek since birth. Opinions informed by mixed-race, multi-ethnic, cis-female condition, further shaped by kind friends of all persuasions. Sci-tech frenemy, wannabe artist, decent cook, determined author, successful troublemaker. Mother of invention and two excessively smart-assed young adult kids. Attended School of Hard Knocks; Rather Unfortunate Smallish Private Business School in Midwest; Affordable Mid-State Community College w/evening classes. Self-employed at Tiny Consulting Business; previously at Large-ish Chemical Company with HQ in Midwest in multiple marginalizing corporate drone roles, and at Rather Big IT Service Provider as a project manager, preceded by a motley assortment of gigs before the gig economy was a thing. Blogging experience includes a personal blog at the original, managing editor for a state-based news site, and a stint at Firedoglake before landing here at emptywheel as technology’s less-virginal-but-still-accursed Cassandra.
Need some good news? This isn’t it. Brace yourself because it’s going to get worse no matter what the Trump White House wants you to believe.
There’s nothing quite like receiving an email from my father first thing in the morning.
This post is dedicated to the Democratic Party’s Super Tuesday results.
If Trump gets re-elected — gods help us all — a big part of the blame will sit firmly on the media for its entrenched misogyny, racism, and its failure to adapt a coverage model for contemporary politics.
Republicans are too relaxed and smug after last week. We can see their emperor has no clothes and their asses are showing, too.
This post is dedicated to today’s U.S. Senate’s proceedings with regard to the trial of Donald J. Trump under articles of impeachment for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. You’ll note I’m not holding my breath for impartial justice.
What a flaming mess. Bet you can’t really tell which mess I’m referring to — the Iowa caucuses, the State of the Union Address, or the rolling not-trial of Donald J. Trump.
The output hits the fan today as the Senate votes on whether to call and hear witnesses. But this may also be the entire enchilada shoved into the blades of the rotator — they may vote on conviction and acquittal. This is an open thread.
Just a few oddities as the White House presents its counter arguments to impeachment. This is an open thread.
You’d think we were all in Newfoundland buried beneath multiple feet of snow given the blizzard of bullshit Trump and his reality TV cast have been spewing. The truth they want to bury is a rather familiar phrase.