Entries by emptywheel

When Michael Dreeben Accepted John Sauer’s Invitation to Talk about Speech and Debate

John Sauer added something to Donald Trump’s immunity claims: That he should be entitled to the same immunities members of Congress are. That led Michael Dreeben to invoke Karen Henderson’s past concurrence establishing that, “it is well settled that a Member is subject to criminal prosecution and process.”

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Rudy Giuliani’s Scott Brady Interview Doesn’t Appear in His Warrant Affidavit

The warrant affidavit targeting Rudy from April 21, 2021 relied on articles, interviews, and Tweets to source Rudy’s own claims about what he was doing in Ukraine in 2019. It never once mentions the 4-hour interview about the topic Rudy did with Pittsburgh US Attorney Scott Brady on January 29, 2020.

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