Entries by emptywheel

Trump May Attempt to Disavow Project 2025 — but He’s not Disavowing Viktor Orbán

Trump may be disavowing Project 2025 — or attempting to. But he’s not disavowing Viktor Orbán, whose influence operations flow right through the Heritage Foundation. On the contrary, Trump and Orbán seem intent to run, hand in hand, to clothe a Transatlantic authoritarianism in the face of Christian nationalism.

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NYTimes Launders Its Own Agency

NYT has now matched its scold to Biden about what he “should” do and order to Democrats about what they “must” say with an op-ed on Trump, observing that he “is” unfit to lead with no more than an urgent call on voters to do something about it. Would that NYT would match that opinion with equal parts reporting on why Trump is unfit.

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