Entries by emptywheel

Mark Warner’s Party

There’s an underlying tension here at YearlyKos, as 2008 presidential candidates try to figure out how to engage with the blogosphere. The two biggest blogosphere darlings, Gore and Feingold, probably figured they were better off marketing a movie than preaching to the choir. But many of the other potential candidates did show up: Governors Richardson,Vilsack, […]

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Why Settle the Wen Ho Lee Case?

Apparently, Wen Ho Lee’s civil suit charging the government abused his privacy rights is close to being settled.

Intensive settlement negotiations between former nuclear scientistWen Ho Lee and the U.S. government are delaying — and may ultimatelyavert — action by the Supreme Court on appeals by reporters fightingto protect their confidential sources in the case.

The Lee caseis viewed by the media as one of the most significant press-freedombattles of recent years.

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