Entries by emptywheel

Lamont's "Single Issue" Voters

The Q-Poll shows that 44% of Lamont’s supporters support him mainly because of Lieberman’s stance on the Iraq war. And Markos anticipates a bunch of pundits frowning on the large number of “Single Issue” voters.

For a pundit to suggest the Iraq war is a “Single Issue” simply betrays their ignorance of the impact that war has and will continue to have on this country and the rest of the world.

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Judy's Call Data Versus My Call Data

There’s an irony to yesterday’s 2nd Circuit Court decision that the NYT must turn over Judy Miller’s and Phillip Shenon’s phone records to DOJ. Since the District Court decision that the NYT didn’t have to turn over phone data, we’ve learned that the government is already getting our phone data–all of ours, journalist or not–in the name of fighting terrorism.