Entries by emptywheel

Primary Source

As part of my new practice of reminding journalists that even my dog–McCaffrey the MilleniaLab–knows more than them about the Valerie Plame leak, here he is, ready to walk a journalist or two around the block.

For example, McCaffrey knows that Marc Grossman did not write the famous INR memo. Rather, someone in INR did.

Clearing the Air on Iran: Ledeen v. Cirincione

I’d like to recommend Teri Gross’ Fresh Air (Part One Part Two). She juxtaposed the Neocon crazyman Michael Ledeen with the sane Joseph Cirincione to show both sides in the battle over our next war, with Iran. But rather than simply expose Ledeen’s nuttiness, the juxtaposition served to show the holes in both the Neocon exhortations and the pragmatists’ rationality.

I knew it was going to be an intriguing program when I


I mentioned the other day the story Armitage’s colleagues told Corn and Isikoff raises interesting questions for the 1X2X6 story; I’d like to explain why. First, let’s review the timing:

September 26: DOJ launches an investigation into the Plame leak

September 28: Priest and Allen publish the 1X2X6 article

September 29: Novak and Rove speak about the leak–Novak assures Rove he will protect him

September 29 (evening):

The Armitage Bombshell that Isikoff Didn't Mention

Gotta go have a good old old fashioned floor fight at my state convention (Go Amos Williams!!), so will have to post more later. But here are the most important passages in Isikoff’s new article:

Armitage acknowledged that he had passed along to Novak informationcontained in a classified State Department memo: that Wilson’s wifeworked on weapons-of-mass-destruction issues at the CIA.

Who Decides If We Go to War?

In my post on Fred Fleitz’ Iran propaganda the other day, merciless asked how we can stop the Iran War. Which got me thinking of a different question–who decides if we go to war? There are a couple of factors playing into this that I think we’d all do well to suss out–because if we’re going to prevent this, we need to start working.

Chief among the factors is one I’ve been

Jim Marcinkowski on the Latest Iran Propaganda

Many of you will recognize the name of Jim Marcinkowski. He’s Valerie Plame’s classmate from the CIA–the guy who reported she was the best shot in their class with an AK-47. Well, he’s running against Mike Rogers in MI-8. Rogers is the head of the House Intell Subcommittee that produced the Iran propaganda we’ve all been talking about–the one John Bolton’s buddy Fred Fleitz fluffed together?

Well, as you can imagine, Jim

Search and Replace: Q, N

Summary: In this post I look at the report released by the House Intelligence Committee. It serves two purposes, in my opinion: To present the first “case” against Iran, under the guise of calling for better intelligence on Iran. And to suggest that, since we don’t have good intelligence on Iran, we can’t negotiate with them, because we’d have no way of verifying any agreement.

I’ve been pondering two questions of late.

Why Didn't Judy Flog the Purported Iraq-Al Qaeda Connection?

President Bush’s claim the other day that no one ever claimed a connection between Iraq and 9/11 got me thinking. Judy Miller reported extensively on Al Qaeda before 9/11–both the previous World Trade Center bombing and on terrorist financing. We know she tried to report on imminent threats from Al Qaeda in summer 2001.

The Armitage "News"

Just a few words about the story that some are pointing to as a big deal. Armitage, whom we’ve been arguing was Woodward’s source since March, is probably the Woodward source. And in other exciting news, my corn just grew 1/4 inch last night. (Actually, it is exciting, I picked the first cob last night, and it was stunningly beautiful.

Chronological Jujitsu with the Bioweapons White Paper

Back in April, I speculated that Judy Miller had been leaked the CIA/DIA White Paper on the purported mobile bioweapons labs (MBL) to pre-empt the report of an expert team, the “Jefferson Team,” sent to Iraq to investigate the trailers. Via Steve Aftergood and this report on the trailers (which I will follow-up with shortly and which lukery is busy working on as well), I found the White Paper itself.