Entries by emptywheel

How High Will the Upcoming Oil Scandals Go?

Back when I was reflecting on why Gayle Norton resigned her position as Interior Secretary, I thought she might be resigning just three steps ahead of the Abramoff investigations. She still might. But now I think it just as likely that she resigned just before the Inspector General started investigating how her Interior Department gave away our country’s wealth to the oil companies.

The Justice Department is investigating whether the director

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A Discussion of How Stupid the AP and WSJ Are

Apologies for the all-Plame all-the-time posting. I’m working on a big post, but meanwhile pow wow has alerted me to late-game stupidity–or complicity–on the part of the AP and the WSJ. In last-ditch effort to discredit the investigation forestall the civil trial make waves, they are asking a judge to unseal the subpoenas and the appeals court decision that forced Cooper and Judy to testify.

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