Entries by emptywheel

Libby's PowerPoint Defense

Thanks to Jeralyn for posting the most recent Libby filing, in which his team explains they want to show a PowerPoint to exonerate Libby for outing a NOC.

No, seriously, the filing is a list of classified documents they want to introduce at trial, including:The PowerPointA range of classified documents (including Libby’s notes and Morning Daily Briefings–MDBs) for the periods June 9 to June 14, and July 5 to July 12A

What Do Scooter Libby and Joe Lieberman Have in Common?

What do Scooter Libby and Joe Lieberman have in common? A lot of rich friends, apparently.

Following closely on the news that Joe Lieberman’s biggest public apologist, Marty Peretz, had joined Libby’s Defense Fund, we learn that the Chair of Libby’s Defense Fund, Mel Sembler, is hosting a pricey fundraiser for Holy Joe.

Playing the Clock

I’ve been reviewing the events of Fall 2002 closely lately. And I gotta say, even four years later, I still get furious at the way the Bush Administration sprang the Iraq war “product” on Congress just before mid-term elections. Look at the way Wolf Blitzer responds, for example, when Condi tells him BushCo will push for an Iraq war vote before Congress goes home for the election.


Novak Changes His Story–a Fourth Time

Bob Novak, faced with the evidence that his story is BS, has now changed his story … a fourth time. And even while he changes his story, he suggests Armitage is the unreliable one.

Novak’s Changing Story, Part One

Novak wrote this column, clearly, to insist that Armitage told him that Plame worked in Counter-Proliferation, probably because if Armitage didn’t say that, then either someone else did, or Novak was high when he