Author Archive for: emptywheel
About emptywheel
Marcy Wheeler is an independent journalist writing about national security and civil liberties. She writes as emptywheel at her eponymous blog, publishes at outlets including Vice, Motherboard, the Nation, the Atlantic, Al Jazeera, and appears frequently on television and radio. She is the author of Anatomy of Deceit, a primer on the CIA leak investigation, and liveblogged the Scooter Libby trial.
Marcy has a PhD from the University of Michigan, where she researched the “feuilleton,” a short conversational newspaper form that has proven important in times of heightened censorship. Before and after her time in academics, Marcy provided documentation consulting for corporations in the auto, tech, and energy industries. She lives with her spouse in Grand Rapids, MI.
Entries by emptywheel
Interesting Timing
/in emptywheel/by emptywheelThere’s some interesting coincidences surrounding the timing of a document that now serves as one basis for the official reason behind Carol Lam’s firing. The document, an anonymous report claiming that the government wasn’t prosecuting enough smugglers, was first released publicly by Congressman Darrel Issa on May 18, 2006. But apparently, Issa had received the report much earlier, the prior fall (link via TPMM).
Covering Up
/in emptywheel/by emptywheelFirst!
/in emptywheel/by emptywheelVáclav Havel’s “The Trial”
/in emptywheel/by emptywheelAs some of you hopefully know, the prologue of my book ends with these words: But the real reason I dedicated so much time to this story is because I believe it matters. I said I’m an ordinary citizen, but I do bring a particular perspective to the story. For a PhD at the University […]