Entries by emptywheel

We've Got a Potential Witness (and Mention) List

There you are, ladies and gentleman, the list of all potential witnesses who may be called at Scooter Libby’s trial. The most interesting surprise? Dougie Feith, propaganda artist extraordinaire. And yes, Karl is on there. Condi Rice is on there. George Tenet. Scottie McClellan. Andy Card. Adam Levine–who has said clearly that Libby and Rove were in charge of the Wilson response and who Hubris suggest might be 1–he’s on there.


We’ve Got a Potential Witness (and Mention) List

There you are, ladies and gentleman, the list of all potential witnesses who may be called at Scooter Libby’s trial. The most interesting surprise? Dougie Feith, propaganda artist extraordinaire. And yes, Karl is on there. Condi Rice is on there. George Tenet. Scottie McClellan. Andy Card. Adam Levine–who has said clearly that Libby and Rove were in charge of the Wilson response and who Hubris suggest might be 1–he’s on there.
