Entries by emptywheel

Cotton Swabs and Grievance Myths: Do Not Invite Republicans to Express Support for Kash Patel’s Witch Hunts

Given the 8 year con job Trump has pursued to get Republicans to believe his false myth of grievance, you will never get Republicans to oppose Kash Patel as FBI Director by asking them to disavow that myth.

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Barry Loudermilk Provides Proof of Kash Patel’s Incompetence Wrapped Up inside His Liz Cheney Referral

One big problem with Barry Loudermilk’s referral of Liz Cheney to aspiring FBI Director Kash Patel for criminal investigation is that Loudermilk also referred Kash’s DOD colleagues Christopher Miller and Ryan McCarthy for investigation of imagined misconduct in which, Kash has repeatedly claimed, Kash himself was centrally involved.

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