Entries by bmaz

Gonzo Sings! Justice In The Department At Last?

Murray Waas is just out with a major article in The Atlantic describing how Alberto Gonzales is cooperating with authorities in an effort to minimize and/or escape criminal prosecution and punishment for his acts during service to the Bush Administration. What began as investigations narrowly focused on Gonzales’s conduct could easily morph into broader investigations leading into the White House, and possibly leading to the appointment of a special prosecutor.

John McCain Still Living The Keating Five Lush Highlife

John McCain was never the principled steadfast man his false front public image painted him to be; although it is true that he really has been in a downward spiral of dishonor and deception during this year’s campaign. Even many of his staunchest supporters in major media are starting to realize the brutal truth for what it is. The story of John McCain’s 70th birthday bash in the exotic waters of Montenegro with lobbyists and con men should serve to remind them them the John McCain that was Charlie Keating’s political leverage boy in Congress is the same exact John McCain under the thumb of lobbyists and political influence peddlers today.

EW’s Trash Talk – The Big Games Start

Week 2 is upon us, football is really back, and the big games are really starting to be played now. The first weekend you are just glad to have the pigskin back in the air, you don’t care that the games are usually not that good. That is not the case for Week 2 though, there are huge games on tap. Let’s belly up to the bar then.

McCain, Bush and Palin – The Freeloading Riches Of The GOP

Turns out Sarah Palin has a very spotty attendance record in her brief experience as Governor of Alaska. This is a common thread between Bush, Palin and McCain; none of them are ever at their job. When every element of our society is flatlining, they are constantly MIA from their job, and they seem to feel entitled to do that on the people’s dime.

McCain is MIA; Believed Hidden Behind Palin’s Skirt

John McCain has always had a schizophrenic relationship with women. He has constantly painted himself as the randy, tough flyboy, but, as both he and his mother (and everyone else who seems to have knowledge) readily admit, he was, and still is, a flat out mama’s boy all the way. Now, the emasculated flyboy McCain has found an even bigger skirt to hide behind, that of Sarah Palin.

The Devil Went Down To Georgia

Well, okay, it was Dick Cheney. Close enough. Cheney, was in Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, yesterday to underline America’s “deep and abiding interests” in the Caucasus, and announce a billion dollars of aid, in the face of Russian warnings that any western moves to rearm the country, or bring it into NATO, could bring further instability in the region between Moscow and Washington. Vladimir Putin thinks the US ginned up the recent war in Georgia in an effort to aid a certain candidate in the coming US election. I wonder who that could be?

Bush Re-Ups War, Obstructs Accountability As Nation Twitters Over Palin

The country and the progressive blogosphere have long been suckers for Cheney/Rovian shiny object distractions. I am afraid that is happening as we speak. First off (and i will come back to this later in a separate post) all of the heat, passion an unity that was generated and consolidated by Los Dos Clintonos, Al Gore and then, mightily and masterfully, Barack Obama, is being dissipated by the wind