Entries by bmaz

Treasury Dept. Books AIG’s Flight To Carnival!

The last time the US Government gave AIG a wad of cash infusion, executives of the giant AIG insurance company headed for a week-long retreat at a luxury resort and spa in California. The government just gave them another $38 billion; must be time for Carnival!

Miers And Bolten Can Kicked Down The Road

The opinion by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals in the Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten subpoena matter has just been issued. The court has granted the stay requested by the Bush Administration; which, by all appearances, will effectively end the litigation as the subpoenas presumptively expire on January 3, 2009 when the term of the current 110th Congress expires.

New Proof On Longtime McCain Lie About Threatening Official

In Arizona, the tales of John McCain’s angry rage and belligerent, threatening behavior in relation to the Mt. Graham Observatory project is legendary. For nearly two decades McCain has blithely dismissed his involvement and denied the charge that he engaged in abusive and threatening conduct against a US Forest Service Official supervising the project for the department. But a new document, never made public before, confirms McCain’s “admitted threat” to the forest supervisor.

Prosecution Tanks In Toobz Stevens Trial

Ted Stevens has been sitting in the courtroom of Judge Emmet Sullivan in the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in DC since jury selection began on September 22. This morning the excrement hit the fan. Big time. Stevens’ attorney, Brendan Suyllivan, has moved for dismissal of the charges against Stevens, and he just may get it. The prosecution has screwed the pooch in a fundamental and intentional way.

CIA & Foggo: It’s Hard On Spy Pimps Out There

It’s getting hard out there on the pimps and cons in the CIA, first Director Goss goes down the tubes, and now his right hand man Foggo has copped a sweet plea. Just how did Foggo get such an unheard of sweetheart deal from the Bush Justice Department? They wanted to clean up evidence of their corruption, dishonesty and perfidy and have once again used the false cover of national security to cover their rears.

Emptywheel’s Trash Talk – Debate With The Dishonorable Geezer Edition

There are a bunch of games. Half the mopes will lose. Teams from Phoenix will be among them; but with the USC burb Thursday night, it is a little easier to take. This done on the fly, so additional fun discussion will have to follow later. I am thinking you guys know how to rip the joint up without a bunch of mumbo jumbo anyway.