Entries by bmaz

Blago's Dog and Pony Presser

Okay EW is tied up and will be along in a bit, but Rod Blagojevich just had a fascinating press conference. Like a demented king (there is that Elvis parallel again) holding forth in his court. Probably not for long, but the guy knows how to play a room, you have to give him that.Blago rambled around about how he has brought healthcare to the poor, which he actually did

Eric Holder's New Pardon Controversy: Oops He Did It Again

Hot off the presses, Tom Hamburger and Josh Meyer at the LA Times have an exclusive on new information detailing Obama Attorney General nominee Eric Holder’s involvement in the ugly and controversial clemency grants given to members of the violent Puerto Rican terrorist groups FALN and Los Macheteros. And Team Obama has hired Bush toady, and Alberto Gonzales’ attorney, George Terwilliger to reassure everybody it is all okay. Brilliant

The Constitution and Roland Burris

Roland Burris went to the hill in Washington DC today to claim the Senate seat he has been appointed to but was denied. While this may make Harry Reid, Obama and a lot of other people feel good about frustrating the cad Blagojevich, it is almost certainly unconstitutional, and constitutional scholars, including preeminent voices like Bruce Fein and Erwin Chemerinsky, agree.

Trash Talk – Saturday Wildcard Weekend Fighting Edition

It is Wildcard Saturday in the NFL! First up are today’s games; i will update later today with Sunday’s games. Oh, and due to dismal performance by my boy, it is no longer the “National Favre League”, but is just back to NFL. Sadness. Dirty Birds at Red Birds and Colts at Bolts.

With Chris Cox, Suckers Are Everywhere

Remember just a few days ago when SEC Chairman Chris Cox was doing his best George Bush imitation and trying to write his history before his term of shame was over and how he was saying that Madoff was “just an asterisk”? Turns out there is much more Madoff style

Bush DOJ Is Now Filene's Basement for Corporate Crooks

The fire sale by the Bush Administration in a last gasp to coddle corporate polluters, crooks and malefactors (i.e. friends and family) is on at the Department of Justice. The Justice Department has reached more than a dozen business-related settlements since the presidential election, with more in the pipeline for January, prompting lawyers and interest groups to assert that companies are seeking more favorable deals before Obama gets inaugurated.

The Ugly Legal Optics Of Harry Reid's Burris Battle

Earlier this morning, Jane wrote a fantastic post, “Burris and Blago: What Happens Now?”, that lays out most all of the concerns with the obstreperous position taken by Harry Reid and the Democratic leadership. I would like to follow up on a couple of legal points inherent in the discussion. The Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White doesn’t have the power to refuse certification of Burris and Harry Reid is making an ass of himself in belligerently fighting Burris.

Trash Talk – 2009 NCAA Bowl Edition

Hey, it turns out we have a New Year going here! Happy New Year to yours, mine and 2009. 2008 basically sucked on a lot of important fronts, but it did lay the groundwork for hope. But that is the serious stuff, right now we got some college football to play.

John McCain The Narcissistic Carpetbagger

Michael Leahy, in today’s Washington Post, has an outstanding extended front page article on the genesis of John McCain’s political career and consuming lust for the Presidency of the United States. Previous reports here have delineated McCain’s narcissistic and arrogant willingness to say or do anything that will benefit his interest of the moment. Leahy fleshes out the personal history behind McCain’s craven thirst for power.