Entries by bmaz

SCOTUS Scuttles Prop 8 Video Coverage; The History Behind The Denial

As you may have heard (See here and here), the Supreme Court has entered a last minute stay to put a hold on the video feed of the seminal Prop 8 trial in the Norther District of California (NDCA) to select other Federal courthouses in the country as well as the delayed release of video clips of the proceedings via YouTube. It is a disappointing decision for many reasons.

Wildcard Weekend Trash

It is here. Yep Elvis Presley’s 75th birthday was yesterday, and that means we are all getting old. So, in honor of The King, lets all have Fools Gold sandwich, a pint or two of beer and watch some football. Football you say? That’s right, Wildcard Weekend is here and that means some of the […]

Trash Talk: Swinging In The New Year

Well, we made it through a painful decade and are into a new year, new decade and looking forward to the playoffs in the National Favre League. No Thursday Night game, no Monday Night game; they will all be swinging for the fences today.

Obama's Royal Scam and The Iron Fist Of Rahm

Shutting down Democratic and progressive structures that do not toe his line is exactly what Obama and his right hand man, Rahm Emanuel, have done since the election. This modus operandi was apparent even before the 2008 general election to those paying attention. Only a strong voice and accumulated power by progressive interests will be able to make headway in the face of it now.

This Bud Is For You Mental Midgets Of The Media

There are three irreducible minimums emanating from the arrest of Henry Louis Gates at his home in Cambridge Massachusetts. First, it was an illegal and unconstitutional arrest. Second, it may or may not (my inclination is not, at least at the outset) have been a racially motivated moment. Third, it is an event that has become embedded in the national consciousness from which the nation could learn and

Madni’s Coffin Flight Rendition

As Andy Worthington indicated in a comment last month, the rights group Reprieve has been working up a report on Guantanamo detainee Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni and his rendition. Reprieve announced today the formal start of proceedings in the case.