Google Boondoggle With No Such Agency
Google is entering a partnership with the NSA.
Bmaz is a rather large saguaro cactus in the Southwestern Sonoran desert. A lover of the Constitution, law, family, sports, food and spirits. As you might imagine, a bit prickly occasionally. Bmaz has attended all three state universities in Arizona, with both undergraduate and graduate degrees from Arizona State University, and with significant post-graduate work (in physics and organic chemistry, go figure) at both the University of Colorado in Boulder and the University of Arizona. Married, with both a lovely child and a giant Sasquatch dog. Bmaz has been a participant on the internet since the early 2000’s, including active participation in the precursor to Emptywheel, The Next Hurrah. Formally joined the Emptywheel blog as an original contributing member at its founding in 2007. Bmaz grew up around politics, education, sports and, most significantly, cars; notably around Formula One racing and Concours de Elegance automobile restoration and showing. Currently lives in the Cactus Patch with his lovely wife and beast of a dog, and practices both criminal and civil trial law.
At Mastodon: @[email protected]
Google is entering a partnership with the NSA.
Just go read it. Because every word Glenn Greenwald wrote in his post today, entitled Nostalgia for Bush/Cheney Radicalism, the gospel truth. It is rare that you will see a post here just pointing you somewhere else because the other source says it all. This is one of those times.
The OPR Report has been leaked, and it looks like the Obama DOJ has watered it down to protect Bush malfeasants.
Championship Sunday for the NFL is here. Vikings at the Saints and Jets at the Colts. Let’s rock and roll.
The decision by the Supreme Court in Citizen’s United v. FEC is in.
In a full throated mea culpa by the New York Times Public Editor, Clark Hoyt, appearing in the Sunday edition, the Times officially describes the critical and material implications which arise when readers are misled by undisclosed interests of sources and authors like Jonathan Gruber in their paper of record. Unfortunately, Hoyt and the Times did not have the decency to apologize to Marcy Wheeler for previously inferring otherwise.
Divisional playoffs have arrived. Gonna be a huge weekend for NFL football.
New docs to comb through on the torture tape destruction!
Does the Chinese Google attack impinge on the top secret US Terrorist Surveillance Program? It might.
The Supreme Court has issued its decision denying video coverage of the Prop 8 trial.