Entries by bmaz

Are Obama and Congress Set To Screw American Counties, Homeowners and Give Wall Street Mortgage Banksters a Retroactive Immunity Bailout?

There are rapidly emerging signs the Obama Administration is actively, quickly and covertly working furiously on a plan to retroactively legitimize and ratify the shoddy, fraudulent and non-conforming conduct by MERS on literally millions of mortgages. they are again going to give a bailout and retroactive immunity to craven banks and financial institutions that have wrecked the economy

Durham Torture Tape Case Dies, US Duplicity in Geneva & The Press Snoozes

Just how inattentive and asleep at the wheel does the government think the American media and citizenry are, to brazenly engage in the simultaneous duplicity of relying on the Durham investigation in Geneva for the UN UPR On Human Rights at the same moment it was using the Durham investigation to bleed out the statute of limitation on the primary jurisdiction of the investigation at home? Well, they think the media and people are completely asleep and, sadly, they are quite correct.

Letter to DOJ and John Durham Re: Torture Tape Crimes Expiring

As we have heard absolutely nothing from Eric Holder, John Durham, the DOJ or the Obama Administration in relation to indictments or other results of the investigation Mr. John Durham has been conducting since January 8, 2008, nearly three years, I thought a letter was in order asking just exactly what their status was. Here is that letter.

Ballots and the Bench: The Iowa Judges

In a devastating night for Democrats, there was a notable and disturbing loss that did not draw enough attention, that of the so called “Iowa Judges”. From NPR: Iowa voters decided to remove three State Supreme Court justices who’d overturned an Iowa ban on same sex marriage last year. Out are Iowa Chief Justice Marsha […]

Obama and the Constitutionality of DADT and Other LGBT Discrimination

All signs point to the fact that President Obama considers DADT and LGBT discrimination to be merely a political problem and not a Constitutional rights issue. But the Constitution and its fundamental equality, due process and first amendment protections is not a political issue football to be tossed around, nor is it properly enforced by degree of popularity in the latest Gallup poll trendline.