Entries by bmaz

The Final Countdown: Championship Sunday NFL Trash Talk

Yep, that’s right folks, it’s the Final Countdown. No, I am not talking about the sudden exit of the narcissistic scold Keith Olbermann from MSNBC, the news will go on just fine without him, and MSNBC will undoubtedly continue to funnel an endless supply of slime through our teevee sets. No, I’m talking about the […]

9th Circuit Punts On Perry Prop 8; Certifies Standing To California

We have unexpectedly quick news out of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on the Perry v. Schwarzenegger Proposition 8 marriage equality appeal. the 9th has dismissed Imperial county’s attempt to intervene, and certified the remainder of the case to the California Supreme Court for a determination of the issue of standing, which it held to be a state law issue.

Move Over 2010, It’s A New Year Of Trash Talk!

It is hard to believe 2010 is over and gone already, but nevertheless we have blasted through another year here at Emptywheel full of substantive and important issues on the merits and fun and relaxation with Trash Talking. And another year of football is heading down the stretch. Big props to the TCU Horned Frogs […]

Vaughn Walker Issues Final al-Haramain Opinion on Damages and Attorney Fees

Judge Vaugn Walker has issued an extremely significant decision in the illegal wiretapping case of al-Haramain v. Bush/Obama. He has awarded damages and attorney fees to the plaintiffs on their claims of illegal and unconstitutional surveillance by the US government.

Excellent Panel Announced for Perry Prop 8 Appeal

When the appeal in Perry v. Scwarzenegger was initially lodged, I put forth the possibility that the panel assigned to hear the full merits appeal in December might be the earlier panel of Judges Wardlaw, Fisher and Berzon, which had heard substantive interlocutory appeals from the trial portion of the case when it was in […]