Entries by bmaz

Conning the Record, Conning the Courts, Defrauding the People

In the parlance of the once and forever MTV set, civil libertarians just had one of the “Best Weeks Ever”. Here is the ACLU’s Catherine Crump weighing in on the surprising results of President Obama’s Review Board: Friday, the president’s expressed willingness to consider ending the NSA’s collection of phone records, saying, “The question we’re […]

Emptywheel’s Pro Football Trash Talk – Week 15

Only one college game left before the endless series of bowl games starts up. The annual Army Navy game from Philadelphia. Both teams have among the best rushing offenses in the country, and among the most anemic passing offenses. Seems like a close match, but it’s not, Navy is the clearly better team, and they […]

Conference Championships and NFL Week 14 Trash Talk

Pretty big weekend of football. After some thrills from Rivalry Weekend, and one very big disappointment from the Wolverweenies’ failure to slay the Sweatervests of Ohio State, this weekend serves up some great conference championship games and excellent late season matchups in the NFL. Let’s see what’s on tap: In the college ranks, Louisville topped […]

When Susan Rice Is Right, She’s Right!

From the No Kidding Files, courtesy of Jason Leopold, comes this gem from vaunted National Security Advisor Susan Rice: “Let’s be honest: at times we do business with govts that do not respect the rights we hold most dear” Well, hello there Susan, I couldn’t agree more. Especially on days when I see things like […]

Big Game Rivalry Weekend Trash Talk

I hope one and all survived and had a glorious Thanksgiving. As you may recall, it did not go so well for us Cheeseheads. Ouch, the Kitties put a licking on. Just goes to prove, if you want to win a football game, it helps to have a quarterback. But, here we are and the […]

The Quarterback With The Golden Gun Trash Talk

For all the yammering about nuclear options and assassination anniversaries and other wild news, this weekend there is only one big bang. The big guns are being positioned on the battlefield. Brady v. Manning. Manning v. Brady. Mano a mano. Bieber versus Sourface. The battle of the soon to be middle age bulges. Broncos and […]

50 Years: That Day, JFK and Today

Where were you fifty years ago today? If you were old enough to remember at all, then you undoubtedly remember where you were on Friday November 22, 1963 at 12:30 pm central standard time. I was at a desk, two from the rear, in the left most row, in Mrs. Hollingshead’s first grade class. Each […]

Austin City Limits Trash Talk

The eyes of Texas, and the world, are on Austin this weekend. No, it is not for the big resurgence of Mack Brown and whether he and the Whorens can keep it up against those high flying Cowboys from Oklahoma State. No, it is because it is United States Grand Prix week! In the inaugural […]

Lavabit and The Definition of US Government Hubris

Well, you know, if you do not WANT the United States Government sniffing in your and your family’s underwear, it is YOUR fault. Silly American citizens with your outdated stupid piece of paper you call the Constitution. Really, get out if you are a citizen, or an American communication provider, that actually respects American citizen’s […]