Entries by bmaz

Talking Heads Trash Talk

As I, er, complained of in the Khashoggi post, a talking head came to my hood Wednesday to “engage”. That was Chuck Todd and Meet The Press. It was a sham. Most all decent seats were RSVP’d or assigned to news people. There was nothing, and I mean nothing, in it for people that actually […]

Going To Cut Khashoggi Into Little Pieces

As a terrible week comes to a close, Trump’s supporters, both in Congress and the insane right wing press, are now out pushing scurrilous and scandalous bullshit about Mr. Khashoggi, not to mention now playing up the celebration of Trumpian Congressional asshole like Gianforte physically assaulting innocent reporters like Ben Jacobs. So, here we are. […]

The Reply Button

Thank you readers and commenters for your relentless advisory that “The Reply Button Is Not Working”. Swell, but here’s the deal: we’re not guarantors of blog commentary perfection for you.

Jeff Flake’s “Investigation” Is A Predicable Trumpian Sham

This was about the easiest thing in the world to predict. Jeff Flake issues some hollow self indulgent bullshit to make himself look like the last great reasonable man, and it is all garbage being run as cover for a complicit Trump White House and weak Senate Republicans (and at least one faux Democrat) desperately […]

The End Of The Airplane Trash Talk

Okay, after a week of hijacking by Rayne (just kidding if you don’t get our humor here), we return you to your normal Trash Talk programming. This week is going to be a little different of format. We’ll talk sports in a bit, but the lead today is music. I was a rather emancipated kid. […]

Can Senator Feinstein Block The Appointment of Rachel Mitchell?

As you know by now, Maricopa County (Arizona) sex crimes unit chief Rachel Mitchell has been deemed by Chuck Grassley and the Senate Judiciary Republicans as their front person to examine Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. From NBC News: The woman chosen by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to question Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser will […]