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Four Stories about Paul Manafort from Andrew Weissmann's Team M

DOJ has released a heavily redacted version of the Team M Report, Andrew Weissmann's effort to capture everything the team focusing on Paul Manafort learned as part of the Mueller Report. But given redacted portions of the SSCI Report released just over a year later, the most interesting part of the Team M Report is likely a classified supplement not released in the FOIA release.

The Proud Boy Leaders' Trial Takes Shape

An index to the discovery turned over to the Proud Boy leaders thus far provides an overview of the government's understanding of that conspiracy.
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Must-See TV: House January 6 Committee Hearings Begin June 9 at 8:00 PM

Schedule your evenings accordingly, people. Public hearings begin next Thursday evening in prime time.
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There Was No Crime Predicating the Durham Investigation

For years, Durham has been seeking proof that the predication of the Russian investigation was faulty. The only thing he has proven is that his own investigation was predicated on lies.

In Upholding His Decision to Rule "Otherwise" Than His Colleagues on Obstruction, Judge Nichols Worries [about] "Corruptly"

Judge Nichols has refused to reconsider his outlier opinion rejecting DOJ's application of 18 USC 1512(c)(2) to efforts to obstruct the vote certification. His order seems quite worried about the vast expanse of corrupt activity that went into obstructive activities that day.
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FBI's Russian Hack-and-Leak Investigation as Disclosed by the Sussmann Trial

Michael Sussmann's involvement with the FBI in 2016 looks very different when viewed from his perspective as the key point of contact between the FBI and several entities victimized by Russia.

Jury Acquits Michael Sussmann; Sussmann Lawyer Calls Prosecution "Extraordinary Prosecutorial Overreach"

After three years of investigation, all John Durham has obtained for his troubles was an acquittal of the charges against Michael Sussmann.

"The Bell Can Never Be Unrung" ... The Many Times Durham's Prosecutors Flouted Judge Cooper's Orders

There will be a lot said about the Michael Sussmann trial, no matter the verdict. But the serial defiance Durham prosecutors showed towards Judge Christopher Cooper's orders makes the overall project clear. In spite of being prohibited from doing so, Durham attempted to criminalize, under a conspiracy theory, perfectly legal behavior. 

"and" / "or" : How Judge Cooper Rewrote the Michael Sussmann Indictment

Judge Christopher Cooper replaced an "and" in the Michael Sussmann indictment with an "or."
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'This Time Is Going to Be Different': Confronting the NRA

We've seen protests after mass shootings before but this feels different — the youth are taking it right to the NRA.

The Staples Receipt and FBI's Description of Michael Sussmann Sharing a Tip from Hillary

Whether Michael Sussmann lied or not, the FBI operated with the understanding that the tip he shared came from Hillary and private computer researchers. It's hard to see how the lie could be material.
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There's No Doubt the GOP Now Has Weapons of Mass Destruction [UPDATE-1]

I can't summon a blurb for this apart from a demand for the GOP to stop killing Americans and do something constructive for a change.
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The Visibility of FBI's Close Hold: John Durham Will Blame Michael Sussmann that FBI Told Alfa Bank They Were Investigating

John Durham will likely blame Michael Sussmann that, in advance of an election, the FBI called up the agent for the agent of Russian that was the subject of their investigation and told them they were investigating.
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The FBI Believed Michael Sussmann Was Working for the DNC ... Until Andrew DeFilippis Coached Them to Believe Otherwise

Three different witnesses have, after interviews with Andrew DeFilippis, claimed to have a memory that conflicts with the documentary record with regards to whether the FBI believed that the white paper Michael Sussmann brought was prepared by the DNC.

Jim Baker's "Doctored" Memory Forgot the Meeting He Had Immediately After His Michael Sussmann Meeting

The currently "doctored" memory Jim Baker has of what happened on September 19, 2016, is not possible given that he had a meeting immediately after the meeting he had with Michael Sussmann.
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Technical Exhibits, Michael Sussmann Trial

A repository of materials from the Michael Sussmann trial related to technical issues.

Apprehension and Dread with Bates Stamps: The Case of Jim Baker's Missing Jencks Production

Sometimes, Bates stamps are a fun way to show how incompetent John Durham's investigation has been, or the lies he has told to the Judge. Sometimes, though, they leave me with a sense of dread that all the wrong people are going to get hurt.

John Durham Is Prosecuting Michael Sussmann for Sharing a Tip on Now-Sanctioned Alfa Bank

John Durham accused Michael Sussmann about lying to hide why he shared allegations about Presidential candidate Donald Trump. But formally, at least, the FBI didn't consider these allegations to be about Trump, they considered them to be about (now sanctioned) Alfa Bank.

That Clinton Tweet Could Lead To a Mistrial (or Reversal on Appeal)

Portions of the Michael Sussmann trial transcript unsealed overnight make it clear that Andrew DeFilippis violated not one but two orders from Judge Cooper to set off a media shitstorm over a tweet that Hillary didn't even have a role in.
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Jim Baker's Tweet and the Recidivist Foreign Influence Cheater

Michael Sussmann's key exhibit proving that even if he lied it couldn't be material is a tweet that Jim Baker sent just after Trump promised to solicit foreign help getting elected again in 2019.