The clock is ticking on Bush's SS reform
Via Steve Gilliard I found yet another article spelling doom for Bush's Social Security plan. This article has a couple of nice bits I haven't seen in the other doom-spelling articles. But it also made me realize something important about the timing of this.
Social Security almost certainly isn't going to happen this year.
Your Nuclear Option Resource Center: Monday Edition
The Pulitzer versus the Pontiac
Car writers don't get Pulitzer Prizes. I suspect that'sbecause their writing is either wonky and burdened with specs or basically carpornography. Or rather, car writers usedto not get Pulitzers, before Dan Neil got one last year, "for his one-of-a-kind reviews of automobiles, blendingtechnical expertise with offbeat humor and astute cultural observations."I guess they liked Neil's honest, irreverent writing in passages like this:If you ever despair that the U.S.