
Judy's Vanity

The bloggers were without editing, without a way for people to understand what was good, what was well reported--to distinguish between the straight and the slanderous. Things would get instantly picked up, magnified, and volumized. . . . I was appalled, not by the blogs--that would be like getting appalled at the Industrial Revolution--but by my colleagues, who believed what they read on the blogs. So says Judy Miller, a reporter famous

My Armitage as Mr. X Scenario

Well, I offered a scenario for how Ari could be Mr. X last week. Now I'm getting to the hard part--exploring how Armitage could be Mr. X, the source of Plame's identity for both Woodward and Novak. But before I do that, let me clarify what I'm doing and why I'm doing it (and why I did the Ari scenario).