The Greater Middle Eastern War
Like Arthur Silber, I fear that events in the Middle East are designed to spiral out of control, right into Persia.
[OH, BROTHER: I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It's All About Iran. As I wrote:
Iffor whatever particular combination of reasons the attack on Irandoesn't come before the November elections (and perhaps even as earlyas this summer), it will certainly come before the end of Bush's term.
Hoekstra's Threat
I had a feeling there was something more--a lot more--to the Lichtblau-Shane story reporting a surveillance program that Peter Hoekstra hadn't been briefed on. Only I wasn't sharp enough to do what texas dem did--look for the letter referenced in the article. Thanks to texas dem, we can see clearly that Hoekstra's complaints about undisclosed surveillance programs are nothing more than a threat leveled in response to the Administration's departure from
Hoekstra's Threat
I had a feeling there was something more--a lot more--to the Lichtblau-Shane story reporting a surveillance program that Peter Hoekstra hadn't been briefed on. Only I wasn't sharp enough to do what texas dem did--look for the letter referenced in the article. Thanks to texas dem, we can see clearly that Hoekstra's complaints about undisclosed surveillance programs are nothing more than a threat leveled in response to the Administration's departure from